Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cutting down and decorating our Christmas tree

This year we got a permit from the BLM to cut a tree out on Look out pass by Vernon. It was our first time ever going out there to get a tree. The guy I bought the permit from said there were a ton right along the side of the road so I was pretty excited. Well we drove out there and drove around the entire area looking for a pinion pine, found a few really big ones, but there was a ton of junipers. I don't know if I got the wrong kind of tag or what, but we hiked around and couldn't find one.  We drove to another little area where Dave, Kole, and Kaylee hiked up and around the side of the mountain and me and the little kids stayed in the car because they were in a hurry because we were running out of day light.  On the whole mountain they found one tree and it definitely wasn't the prettiest tree but Kaylee chose to cut it down and bring it home.  I feel bad because Kole had a permit too and he came with us but we couldn't find him a tree.  Dave cut it down with his hatchet and drug it the mile back to the road and we brought our sweet tree home. I was a little disappointed there wasn't as many options as I was hoping for but it was still a blast to hike around and look and the kids had a blast getting in snow ball fights and hitting branches covered in snow to "make it snow" on the people behind them. Kaylee and Kole had a good snow fight most of the time. We had fun and it is one of our favorite traditions for sure!!

Dave and Briggs

My sweet boys


Aspen eating her snow - like always!

I Love my kidos!!

Kaylee and Kole in a snow fight - her hat already covered in snow...

I think Kole won :)

Caden got "snowed on" pretty good

Wait for it.......

And Kole got them :)  But Kaylee was armed and she is about to launch the snow ball in her hand!!

Then she was running backwards to get away and fell and got stuck - I'm so nice and just laughed at her and took pictures. :)

Me and the younger kids waiting at the very top of look out pass with a beautiful sun set while Dave and Kole and Kaylee were getting us a tree. It was so pretty , this picture is nothing.

Back to the trailer with the tree getting tied down.

Decorating it

Caden mostly liked to watch and cuddle with Patches the cat.

My favorite ornaments!

My awesome kids with our not too bad of a tree after its all decorated. Even if its not the prettiest, the smell it brings to the house is worth it!!

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