Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fathers and sons

In May our ward had Fathers and sons so Dave took Caden and Briggs.  They just went up to the basin peice that we always go camping at. It had rained most of the day so he was worried it would be too cold and muddy so they decided to not camp, but just go up for the evening because Dave had to give the fireside. But then the weather cleared and it was really nice so we threw their camping stuff together really quick and they stayed the night. He said the boys had a blast and loved it. Im sure they loved being with just their daddy and sleeping in a tent.  They all slept good and slept in.. when they woke up everyone was gone. no campers in sight. :) Im so glad my kids have such an awesome daddy!!! It was also fun to have a girls night with us at home. I should have taken some pictures, but didnt. We went and played some tennis, then got some treats and stayed up late watching horse movies. Fun night!!

1 comment:

  1. This makes me want to go camping! Our girls keep asking when we are going with you guys. :)
