Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A days work at the farm

Oh... the days of pulling Rye!!! I remember the dreaded days when I was young walking and walking and walking through the wheat fields looking for and pulling rye, and now here I am sending my little girl to pull Rye!! CRAZY!!! Granted, she is still a little small, and she would be tired after and hour or so but she still had a good time walking through the fields with her cousins!

A little while ago my dad needed to brand the calfs and give immunizations and all that fun stuff to get them ready to send up the mountain for the summer to graze. We decided to help (more like watch... but the kids love it!) Kaylee was quite the little helper...

From Tagging the cow (I love this face... She was trying so hard, but she got it)

To supervising- making sure no one was slacking and if so she would whoop them in shape with her stick :)

To run errands for Riley- getting him a tag for the cow.

To helping Grandpa write the numbers on the tags and organizing them

Caden and aspen safe on the truck bed - the master supervisors. Aspen was yelling at the cow to get in the chute.

Waiting for a cow to tag!

Kaylee and her cousin cody watching and learning how to rope and sretch the calf to brand it so they can be out on the horses next year!

Thanks for letting us come watch and hang out grandma and grandpa! We love you!


  1. Oh, how fun! I love the farm!

  2. This makes me wish we lived closer to my parents so I could send my kiddos out to enjoy the farm before they get to old and realize its actually work not play. Your kids are lucky! And i love the picture of Kaylee's face while she's tagging the cow - Made me smile. :-) Your family is awesome!

  3. How cute my sun-kissed grandkids are. They sure have a lot of fun experiences.
