We had a great Thanksgiving this year!! My whole family met for lunch at the Hunting Club, and Daves mom was able to come which was so nice. We had the best of both worlds! The company was great, the food was delicious and the kids had a blast. We just ate, visited, ate, visited, relaxed and so forth. Loved it! (minus the little incident where Caden decided to go poo in the urinal- then wipe with paper towels- but thats a different story!!) Later in the afternoon a bunch of people went out hunting while the rest stayed back, looking through the black friday ads.
First thing in the morning when the kids came downstairs they noticed the sunrise and Kaylee ran and grabbed the camera to snap a few shots of it- One very important thing that we are all thankful for- Watching the sun rise and set over the beautiful mountains that surround us!
Out hunting. Dave and Kaylee were the only ones who went of my family. Me and the rest of the kidos stayed in the nice warm hunting lodge.
All lined out. Thought it was cute Kaylee with her long hair in the middle of all the guys.
In the morning when we were cooking we decided to go around to each person and they had to say one thing they were thankful for and Kaylee decided she wanted to be our scribe and write them all down. Love it!
She is pretty proud of that feather
And this pheasant :)
That is one proud papa shot! Out hunting with his little girl- cant get much better than that.
All of the mighty hunters! There is Dave, Kaylee, Cameron, Riley (dint mind him biting camerons ear, that normal) :) Dylin, G the dog, Wyatt, Kole, Kale, and Uncle Kool (or some call him uncle Kole)
That was a pretty fun day. Thanks for inviting me. The Smith family always makes me feel welcome. That was a fine bird you shot Kaylee.