Two of the nice Saturdays in October we took the kidos out and chopped us some wood for our fireplace. I was worried being stuck outside with them all day and how they would be, but they were troopers. They helped pretty good, but they played, and entertained themselves and took care of each other so good.
Briggs would spend so much time playing with an empty bottle putting the lid on and off again and sucking on it.
Briggs would spend so much time playing with an empty bottle putting the lid on and off again and sucking on it.

We brought a dump truck and tractor. Caden was set.

Aspen brought her stuff to practice writing her letters. She loves to write and color now! She spent a lot of time writing and coloring.

Sweet little Briggs sat on the back of the trailer and played for a long time with his tractor.

Aspen was great to help her brothers! Shes getting to be quite the helper! Look how dirty they are! That means they have been playing and working hard!

Had to drive though a little stream to get to the wood. We were SOO dirty we decided to stop and wash off our hands and arms.
You've got a great family that likes to do things together, help as well as play. I'm so proud of you all.