The weekend before Halloween Dave's whole family came into town. His brother Kimball and his family, and his sister Amelia with her family. It was great to see them all again. We don't get to see Kimball and his cute family since they moved to Alaska, but we are glad we got to see them and Amelia. Glad Amelia moved a little closer so now we can see her a lot more often then before. On Saturday everyone came out to our house and we were so lucky to have super good weather. The kids wanted a go at riding the motorcycles and little 4 wheeler. It was so fun and the kids all did super good at the machines for their first time. Drew took off like a champ on the motorcycle, now his parents are in trouble- they are going to need to get him one- or better yet, just come try ours out every other week! :) Lincoln did really good on it too, but he totally rocked the 4 wheeler. (Now I'm thinking he is going to need his own too, not sure I can talk them in to coming to our house too often to just ride ours.!: )Grandma Snyder did good holding on to all the kids in the Gator. Surprisingly, we had I think 8 motorized toys out and not any serious injuries! We had a few little fender benders, but nothing too serious. I am totally bumbed, I didn't get very many pictures of everybody. Not sure why I didn't!. I think I was just too busy trying to make sure nobody was going to die. :) Wish I would have gotten more. :(
Me and grandma taking most the younger kids for a ride.
Me and grandma taking most the younger kids for a ride.
A big thumbs up from Lincoln on the 4 wheeler and Drew and Kaylee on the motorcycles.
That's all I have darn it!
(so Kimball or Amelia, if you have any good ones and want to send them my way, that would be great) :)
I am so lucky to have such great in laws! We were so glad to see them and to come all the way to no mans land to see us and to play with all our junk. (actually everything ran pretty good. We only had 1 thing break down, and for us, that is pretty good!) Cant wait to do it again!
(so Kimball or Amelia, if you have any good ones and want to send them my way, that would be great) :)
I am so lucky to have such great in laws! We were so glad to see them and to come all the way to no mans land to see us and to play with all our junk. (actually everything ran pretty good. We only had 1 thing break down, and for us, that is pretty good!) Cant wait to do it again!
It's not no mans land if you can have so much fun like we had. Thanks for letting us play on your toys, ride the horse, and jump on the tramp.