We had our first little snow storm yesterday - the kids were so excited. First thing in the morning they were sorting through all the snow clothes and getting all geared up to go play in it. I think they were most excited to eat it!!

Caden.. mmmm....

Briggs had a hard time walking in the snow at first with all his snow stuff on, but after a bit he got the hang of it. He loved it!! I couldn't get him to come in. When I brought him down stairs first thing I peeked out the blinds to see if it had snowed and Briggs got a little glimpse of it and he about bailed out of my arms to check it out, he didn't know what happened and why everything was all white. He just stared in amazement for a while then started pointing and talking like he was trying to tell me what his eyes were seeing was something very strange. It was super cute.
Aspen with her famous pirate eye..
Aspen with her famous pirate eye..

Kaylee pulling Briggs in the sleigh - he didn't know quite what to expect and he fell over but thought it was hilarious!!
Loving it!!

Then later that day my Brother in law Kole and my sister Krista were nice enough to take us pheasant hunting! We had a blast! Koles dog "G" is amazing and did so good finding the pheasants for us. My sister Emily and her hubby Cam came and their little boy Cody. The weather was perfect and I think between all of us we ended up with 19 pheasants.
Walking through the field, following the dog.
Walking through the field, following the dog.

Out of order, but Kaylee pulling Caden and Aspen

Kole with his awesome dog!

The MASTER GUIDERS- Kole, Krista and G!!

Me and Dave

Cody, Dave, Kole and G checking out a pheasant.
It was such a fun day to get out and have some fun with the family. Good for Dave to get out and do something fun! He needed it. Thanks so much Krista and Kole and G for the fun day!! And especially thanks to Kandice and Alexa for watching our hooligans so we could get out! My family is AWESOME!
Kaylee is such a good helper, always making sure that everyone is having a good time. Nice pheasant hunting.