Well, we survived another Halloween! The kids were excited and had a really fun day. Started out the day with the parade at the school and then each class had a little song they would perform. It was fun to see the whole school. Then after school we were able to paint some pumpkins- the only thing we did with pumpkins this year. We never had any time to carve any but the kids loved to paint some little ones. Then we turned them in to the Maverik my sister works out to get a free icee and enter in a contest to win gift certificates. So we dropped off the still wet painted pumpkins then headed to see Grandma Snyder at work at the post office. Then off to my sister Emily's work, then a quick stop to great grandma and grandpa Smiths then a few of my aunts, then hustle home to get some descent food in our bellies before heading to our community trunk or treat, Then topped off the night with Seeing my parents and doing some door to door trick or treating around a few houses of the neighborhood. A crazy busy day, but the kids had fun and were really good.
The girls getting ready to head out the door to school.
Kaylee wanted to be a cowgirl, and Aspen a Witch- Not sure where her hat is in this picture.
The girls getting ready to head out the door to school.
Kaylee wanted to be a cowgirl, and Aspen a Witch- Not sure where her hat is in this picture.
Now that is some crazy hair!!
(Yes, it was fun to brush the next morning:)
(Yes, it was fun to brush the next morning:)
Aspens class singing their song. Aspen sings this song all day, but she was way too scared to sing it in front of everybody, so she just stood there. Then the little goof ball - They had each kid walk across the stage one by one so we could all get a good look at them, but she wrapped her hat down around her head so nobody could see her and walked super fast. Shes never been in front of anyone like that and she was really nervous!
Caden layed out watching the parade. - With his pal Corby.
I did go make her uncover her face in the end so I could get a picture. The poor thing when she saw me she about started crying from being so embarrassed. She will get better though!
Briggs was a monkey, and a pretty dang cute one. I thought he wouldn't like the hood up over his head, but it didn't bother him it all, he kept it on all night.
My niece Kandice put these glasses on Briggs and he was chewing on a glow stick - now that is one cool kid!!
Hes got a sucker, hes good to go. My baby looked so big out walking around trick or treating with the big kids. Kinda sad, kinda exciting! :)
This is with some of the cousins we met up with at my sisters work.
Dropping off our pumpkins to enter in the contest and get our free icee.
Kaylee made that mask at school at her party and had to wear them the whole day.
Kaylee made that mask at school at her party and had to wear them the whole day.

Our race car driver

Until next year!! I will be counting the days - NOT!! I know I'm a totally lame parent, but it is by far my least favorite holiday. Lets see, spend money to spend time to dress them up, to haul them around- in and out, in and out, in and out of the car- in their costumes. Just to get candy from strangers and then eat so much of it they are sick and un controllable for the next week. YEA!! Actually Aspen did really go to ration her candy out. She just finished it off yesterday, and even shared a lot with everyone.
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