I've thought a lot about how lucky I am to have such a great family. I love my kids! Although some days its all I can do to make it to bed time, I wouldn't change being a stay at home mom for anything! This week I have been organizing the pictures on my computer, and ran into some that made me smile.. enjoy.
Weird, but I love living where you often find snakes in your yard. I grew up with my dad bringing us snakes home in his lunch box that he caught while at work in this same valley. I am a little more chicken now and let my brothers or nephews catch them for us. This day was funny, we were all at my moms front yard visiting- me my sisters and my mom when Caden came over trying to tell us something, but he was just learning how to talk and we couldn't understand him. He was pretty serious about something, but we didn't know what. My sister thought he said snake but we just laughed it off. Then we looked over at my house and saw the cats playing with something so we went to check it out and Caden was so glad we finally caught on there was a snake on our grass just like he was trying to tell us.

I love being able to leave from our garage and ride on these fun tracks with my girls riding their own motorcycles with me, and my husband sharing his motorcycle with me if I be really good :)

Having Kaylee teach me how to jump, although she can still make it higher than me.

Love watching the kids play together happy!

Aspen being so brave. That's not a beginner track, and that was a big hill she came up.
Great job Aspen!

See, Kaylee teaching me how to do it.

Love watching my super hot, talented hubby do anything he does. He does it all so good!

This would make anyone smile, right? Jumping a tote gote? I'm smiling now.

Yep, here's the proof, she can jump higher than me.

Love to see this kid play so hard and happy that he cant even finish his dinner he is so tired.

I realized I never posted any pictures of fathers day!! Here is Dave and Caden in the new sleeping bag the kids got Dave. Seriously Love this guy! he is amazing! Always thinking of others way before himself, actually I'm not sure he ever gets around to thinking about himself. He is such a hard worker, never waisting a minute!
Happy super late fathers day to the best one ever!

These crazy girls make me smile a lot! They are total goof balls.

Sometimes so goofy they wear themselves out and cant even make it all the way up the stairs to their room before totally crashing out on the stairs. Yes, they are dead asleep!

Love Caden and his pet frogs he stashed and hauled around in his shirt pocket. During the summer Kaylee's cousins caught her a ton of frogs and she brought them up here to sell them to the neighborhood kids. I wish I would have got a picture of her sitting out there with a table, selling the frogs for 25 cents. Her and Kandice made signs and put them up around the neighborhood. She sold quite a few and they had fun with them. When she would leave the table she put up a sign that said " take a frog, and leave the money in the jar" so she didn't have to sit there the whole time. Too cute!

Ok, I wasn't smiling at this exact moment but when I look at it now it makes me smile. Aspen had just opened a brand new bottle of nutella and left it on the table. I was painting and was happy Briggs was entertaining himself when Kaylee said I better come check Briggs out. Its never good when she says that! There he was, just having a great ol time!

But, who couldn't smile at that!?!

He loves to put his bowls and plates on his head. Again, not funny at the time, but fun memories.

Love these two, and love how handsome they are!

I had to smile when I found Caden asleep with a rice crispy treat stuck to his face.

Love the imagination of the kids. We got this doll house for free a few weeks ago, and the kids now play hide and seek in it, and use it to lock each other up in it.
Caden locked up

Who wouldn't smile at that handsome boy!?! There is an elderly guy in our neighborhood that Dave and the young men take the sacrament to each week. Caden goes with him each week, dressed in his suit to see "grandpa" (thats what they call him) Caden loves to go and each week he runs right in there and gives this sweet old man the biggest hug and makes him so happy. His family says that is the highlight of his week, to get hugs and to see Caden. Its actually kinda funny but he loves any grandpas. He does the same with his great grandpa Smith. He can be such a sweet boy when he wants to.

Love that we live close enough that we can go visit the farm whenever we want. I love it that my family is so great and lets Caden and the girls come ride on the equipment with them!

Kaylee locked up

There are so many more moments that my kids and family make me smile and make me ponder how lucky I am to be where I am right now, to have them as my family and to be so lucky to be their mom but there is just a few to share for now!!