Wow, our baby is one! Aug 5th was his Birthday. Here is some pictures from his big day.
I guess being the birthday can be really tiring, but the best thing about it being your first birthday is it gives you the right to fall asleep eating breakfast!
I guess being the birthday can be really tiring, but the best thing about it being your first birthday is it gives you the right to fall asleep eating breakfast!
I dint know why it cant post these pictures in the order I put them on here, but o-well, we will just go with it!
My sister came over and we took the kids to the splash park in Eagle Mtn. I thought Briggs would love it because he loves to play in any water, but he didn't really care for it too much. He did have fun just playing around and trying to walk.
My sister came over and we took the kids to the splash park in Eagle Mtn. I thought Briggs would love it because he loves to play in any water, but he didn't really care for it too much. He did have fun just playing around and trying to walk.

Putting on his sisters sunglasses. It is hard work trying to get everything (hands, fingers, head) to cooperate to get the glasses where they need to be.

His not so good cake that his pathetic mom threw together as dinner was cooking. It looked like crap but it tasted good- yummy rice crispy cake.

A tractor! And he is set, it even has a button on it to push to make noises. It doesn't get any better than that! His main present was a new car seat which is boring but he really likes sitting in a big boy seat now.

My parents gave him a mini pillow pet that he loves, it is so cute. Although he did have more fun with the glass bottle and lid at the time.
Grandma Snyder was nice enough to give him some sweet trucks and cement mixer and fun stuff to drive around.

This little man is growing right up on us! He has been walking for about a month now off and on, but just this week he walks everywhere. There is no crawling for him anymore. He still looks a little awkward but he is getting better. He is a trooper, he has all 4 molar teeth coming in right now but he is still just a happy little man. Tonight he folded his arms for prayer. He loves his little soft blue blankie with silk around the edges. He rubs it on his face when hes tired and when he is trying to go to sleep. He goes to sleep good in his bed for naps and bed time. He is sleeping through the night most nights which is super nice, but he does like to wake up early. He sayes hi, bye, mom, dad, boo, wow, and waves. He is a climber! I cant keep him off the table! he pulls the chairs out and climbs up on. He tries to ride everything like a horse- straddles it and tries to rock it forward and back. He loves to tease and play, and he loves everyone! Especially his dad. He gets so excited to see day. We love you little man! Thanks for bringing so much happiness in our lives!!
He sure is a cutie.