July 13th was Cadens 3rd birthday. Were pretty excited for him to be out of the terrible twos! :) Anytime now I'm sure he will realize he can behave now, hes 3! right? no, he is getting a little better now I think. Its good to have Aspen gone to school for a few hrs and I can spend some quality time with him.
This is his awesome "grandpa dump truck" as he calls it that his grandma Snyder gave him. He loves it!
This is his awesome "grandpa dump truck" as he calls it that his grandma Snyder gave him. He loves it!
In the morning we asked him what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to go for a gator ride down to the ranch to see grandpa on the tractors. So that is what we did, but grandpa wasn't there, but my mom was nice enough to go with us. We just rode around the ranch in the gator and the girls on their motorcycles.

Briggs was our good driver :)

This is his Lightning tractor tipping cake that I totally stole the idea from my friend (thanks Jenn!) but Caden loved it.
Blowing out his candle
getting ready to head out on our ride

Caden was even nice enough to let Briggs check out his combine. Briggs will find anything with wheels and drive them around, making noise.
A little birthday cake and dinner with some of my family
Caden tried to fit all of his new toy vehicles in the little coral, he managed to do it.
So, my mom was kind enough to get him a bigger corral to fit his tractors and trucks and toys better, he cant go to sleep at night without his red fence on the side of his bed.

Yea, his own pillow pet!
I'm not going to lie, Caden can be a real hand full at times, and all the stories I share on here for my records and for blackmail for when he gets older can testify of that, but he can also be the sweetest, cutest, most independent kid I have ever seen. He is now starting to tell me he loves me just randomly throughout the day, he can be super sweet with Briggs and his sisters, he loves to give hugs and kisses, especially "grandpa" kisses, and "grandpa" Eskimo kisses. (you can tell the size of things by what he calls it- grandpa means super big) He loves grandpas! there is an elderly man in our ward that Dave takes the sacrament to almost every week with the Young men and he takes Caden with him. Every time Caden sees him or walks into the house he runs over and gives him a big hug, and makes this sweet old mans whole week. His great grandpa Smith he doesn't see often enough he loves to climb up on his lap and gives him a big hug. Whenever I hear my dads truck pull up and park at his house I can pretty much count on the fact that Caden has probably escaped the house and ran across the street to see him. . He can pick up on the sound of his truck before it rounds the corner a few blocks away, before anybody else can. Caden really does bring so much excitement and energy and laughs into our house and I cant imagine life without him!! He is so independent! He puts his mind to something and he figures out how to do it. He will change his own diapers (although he doesn't want to potty train yet), make his own breakfast, take care of himself. He is just getting to the point now that he will watch about 20 minutes of a movie-which is kinda nice. He cant sit still for any longer then that!! We love you Caden! Thanks for keeping out life interesting and exciting!
He is such a sweetheart