Holy smokes I am so behind on my blog that I don't even know where to start, so I decided to start with the current stuff then fill in what I have missed for the entire summer in all my spare time!- so hopefully I will someday be caught up!
I will start with the girls going to school:
Here is Kaylee getting ready to head out the door on her first day of 2nd grade. She started on the 23rd of August and was super excited to get back into school. Her teacher is Mrs. Taylor and she really likes her so far. She loves to learn and is loving that she can read pretty good. We love it too! She is a great student and I'm sure will do great this year. Keep it up KayKay!!

I will start with the girls going to school:
Here is Kaylee getting ready to head out the door on her first day of 2nd grade. She started on the 23rd of August and was super excited to get back into school. Her teacher is Mrs. Taylor and she really likes her so far. She loves to learn and is loving that she can read pretty good. We love it too! She is a great student and I'm sure will do great this year. Keep it up KayKay!!
Walking down to the bus stop. I love that its just a few houses down so I can keep and eye on them :)- except when she wants to walk down to the next bus stop to meet her friend.
2nd grade- here I come!!
Now our little Aspen has started Kindergarten!! WHAT!! She started a week later than Kaylee- on the 30th. She was so excited! She has been looking forward to this day for a few years! The night before she kept wanting to go to bed early so the morning would come faster. (until bed time actually came, then it took her forever to fall asleep.)
Here she is all ready to go.

I had to get a few shots of her hair because she has been talking about cutting it lately I hope she doesn't want to. It reminds me of mine in High School.

Backpack on, ready to go!

I'm not sure how this picture got out of order but this is Kaylee on her first day down at the bus stop. She wouldn't look at me. Then she told me to go home, she must be too old for her mom to follow her down to the bus stop and give her a big smoocheroo while in line with all her classmates!! What the heck!?!
Kaylee and Aspen headed to the bus stop. I wasn't near a nervous sending Aspen to kindergarten as I was Kaylee. I think a lot of the reason is because she had Kaylee to show her around and take care of her. Aspen also isn't near a quiet and shy as Kaylee.

Waiting in line for the bus. As we were walking down to the bus stop, Aspen kept getting closer and closer to me, then she grabbed my hand, then by the time we got to the bus stop she was clenching on to my arm. I think she was nervous! She did great though and stood in line with Kaylee and some of her friends were there which helped.

getting ready to head out the door. (not sure why its out of order!)

After the bus left and we were walking back to the house and I decided last minute to drive to the school and spy on the girls... :) (which I swore I would never do.) I just parked on the side of the road and watched, where they couldn't see me :) then as they were headed into the class I sneaked over and snapped a few shots. That's her teacher in the green shirt, Ms Thomas. Shes a great teacher and will be great with Aspen. That's her class all ready to head into the school.

And... SHE SURVIVED!!!! here shes getting off the bus after completing her first day of kindergarten!!

I love my girls so much! They are great kids, and I hope they will have a great year at school, always watching out for each other and being the best of friends like they should be! I do miss having them home during the day and hanging out with them. On the other hand I am excited to be able to spend some more one on one time with my boys... Maybe that's what Caden needs to help tame him :) The girls are worried about me though.. they have informed me that I am going to be "boy trapped" (I guess that's what they call it at school when you have 2 boys sitting on each side of you) they think its hilarious!! I sure hope I can survive my "boy trapped" days!!
It's hard to believe you have two in school now. They are such special girls.