There has been a lot of things happen the last 1-2 weeks that have made me think a lot about my our kids and how fast they grow and mature. First off we had Aspen start Kindergarten, which is a big deal. She loves it, but I miss her during the day. Right around that time Briggs became the cutest little full time walker. He tries so hard and concentrates so hard. I sometimes wonder why when he falls he just hops up and keeps trucking along, when it would be so much faster to crawl. He is so dang cute, and so happy. Then Kaylee- shes now decided she is too big for her normal books and has to take "chapter" books everywhere for her to read. My child is reading Chapter books!!! She is loving 2nd grade and progressing so fast. Then last but absolutely not least, Caden is potty trained. Last week one morning he took off his diaper and went potty in the toilet then put his undies on and that was it. He hasn't had a single accident (well, one, but I don't count it because it was the first day and he decided by himself to go get Aspen from her friends house that lives like 4 blocks away. I realized he was missing and went to find him. He was 1 1/2 blocks away walking his bike down the road and he had wet his pants- but he probably didn't know what to do-so I don't count that.) He has stayed dry the last 5 nights and is a pro during the day. He does it all by himself and I don't even have to remind him. Were still working with him on the appropriate places to go- at times he still prefers the front flower bushes -yes, crap included- usually right at the time the bus drops off the school kids!!! Awesome - I know!! Sorry neighbors. He is getting better. No indecent exposure so far today. Anyway, with major changes all at the same time I have all sorts of mixed emotions. I am excited, I am ready to start doing fun big kid stuff with them, I love watching them develop and learn new things and honestly when they wont be so much work. On the other hand it breaks my heart. They are all at such a fun age. I could watch them play- especially with each other all day. I love watching Briggs and his cute little brain trying to figure things out. I love watching and trying to figure out what is going on in Cadens little head- I can see him sit there and plot things out. I love listening to the drama of a 5 & 7 yr old girls! Its made me ponder how much I love these guys and I better soak it up all i can, because before I know it they will be grown!!
Weakness does not become us...
10 years ago
You are a smart mom to realize how fast they grow and to enjoy them now and at every stage. I wish I could have done that more with my kids.