The weekend of the 24th it was the annual Cedar Fort celebration so we first headed over to the parade then to the carnival for a minute- we mostly missed that, then we headed up to the rodeo. My sister Krista put it on and did an awesome job!!
Dad and Briggs waiting for the parade to come.
Dad and Briggs waiting for the parade to come.
My sister Krista is nice and did a young age group of goat tying on the ground so the little kids didnt have to get off a horse. Kaylee borrowed one of her goats home and practiced and practiced. She was so excited to be in her first rodeo. She did really good especially for not doing it for very long. She had a Blast!!
She was first up, which made her really nervous, but she did it.

All done. What a relief! I dont remember what her time was- 11, or 13? I will have to watch the video. I think she ended up 4th.

This is Kaylee and Griff ribbon roping. Poor Griff had a lot of pressure to catch that calf for her, and he did great. They both did a super good job!
One more of ribbon roping. I know these are all out of order, but It doesnt put it in the order I tell it to. Blogger hates me!! Griff running to the calf, Kaylee running to get the ribbon and Dave running to make sure Kaylee does it all right and to help prevent any wrecks. What a good dad!!
She had a fun day and is already planning for next year- she wants to run poles and barrels. So we will have to see about that! I guess we can probably handle one rodeo a year! :) Aspen kept going back and forth on if she wanted to enter or not. One time she would say yes, then later she would say when she got a little older. When it came down to it she decided to wait until she is Alexas age. What a cutie! So I'm thinking she will want to next year. We will see. I team roped with my nieces Kandice and Kaycie and my nephews Kole and Kale. That's all that needs to be said about that!! Anybody who was there knows what I'm talking about and whoever wasn't there, that's good!!
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