Monday, July 30, 2012

Field day and Dance festival

At the end of the school year the girls had their dance festival and field day. They both did great on their dances and had so much fun! I was worried about Aspen, with it being her first one, but she did great. She danced to splish splash and got to dress up in her swimming suit. Kaylee danced to foot loose and was super excited to be able to wear her cowboy hat and boots.

Aspen sporting her sweet shower cap and goggles

Aspens class all lined out getting ready to dance

Aspen dancing, in the far back corner

Caden with Austyn and his buddy Tucker

Kaylees class lined up

Kaylee with her partner Riggin.

They asked me to help with field day so I was able to walk around and do the activities with Kaylees group. It was fun to watch her, but also missed out on seeing Aspen.

One time We passed her group so I made her hug me and get a picture. She had a blast staying all day and playing games

Kaylee in line with her buddies.

Best of pals.. Keira, Arlee and Kaylee.


  1. Auhhh I love that last picture of Kaylee, Keira and Arlee (good Memories!)

  2. Hi! I just caught up on the last year of your life! :) We think about you all of the time, but I always forget how easy it is to take a look at your blog. (Because I have not blogged for a year! I'm trying to remedy that, now that both Lincoln, and Lilli are in school...) You have the cutest family!! I am so impressed with all of the cool things you do. I really think we should live by you, so I can learn to let the kids be kids! Miss you guys!
