Back in May Briggs had to go in for surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids. I took him to the Dr in March for something completely unrelated when they noticed his right tonsil was very enlarged. After a few rounds of antibiotics and seeing an ENT specialist it was decided they needed to be removed and biopsied to rule out any thing serious. We went in early on a Friday morning for the surgery then stayed 1 night so they could observe him and make sure everything went well since he is so young. We went home around noon on Saturday. He did super good and it was good to be able to have Dave there with me and spend time with our little guy.
All ready to be taken back to the OR. |
Sorry, these pictures are out of order...
After the surgery, he was pretty sore, trying to get him to eat some yummy slushy. |
Didn't take long for him to be back to his normal self.. teasing Dad and biting the spoon and not giving it back after his bites. :) |
He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED his time with Dad!! |
Being a tease again! |
His poor little feet.. all hooked up. He hated them and kept trying to kick them off. |
Finally by afternoon he was pretty restless and we went on some walks around the hospital, with IV in place in his foot. |
Checking out the fountain. |
Couldn't resist myself after a diaper change :) |
The nurses were super nice and brought him some crayons and coloring books to keep him entertained. |
By night time he was running around and climbing on the furniture, all the while we were chasing him around with his IV bag, trying to not let it get caught on something and ripped out. |
Having a few bites of real food. |
This was the day after the surgery, doing good at home, catching up on some time with his sister with his new favorite blankie an awesome friend made him and brought over with dinner. THANK YOU!!! |
Ready to head back for surgery. He was playing with his dads hat and with the nurses so the scrub nurse went and got him a scrub cap for him to wear. He was pretty much the love of the OR that day. They all loved him. They said they have never seen a kid like him. He never cried. Even when the ornery old anesthesiologist came and took him from us. They had him on the OR table with all these strangers around him and never cried. They gave him the gas and he layed back on them and fell asleep. They were super impressed! |
This was right after they brought him out of the OR room. He was a little disoriented and upset until he had his mom and blankies. This was the only time he wanted me. The rest of the whole day and a half stay at the hospital he only wanted dad. |
We got the results the following week and everything came back great.He had some cells that showed there had been some infection in there, but they are gone now and he has a clean bill of health, which is a HUGE relief!! He is such a sweet kid and love him so much!! So glad for all who helped take the other kids so me and dave could be there together for our little man. For peoples thought and prayers and being there for us. We seriously have the best friends and neighbors in the whole world.Thank you!!!
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