So Kaylee has this serious love for horses. Actually is more like an obsession. Especially wild horses. When we went camping at the first of spring there were some brood mares turned out to pasture in a field on our way and we decided they were wild horses. Kaylee was so excited to see real life wild horses! Then she started watching a movie called horse crazy where these kids hear about wild horses in Nevada and they sneak out with out telling their parents and try to catch one to bring home. One day Kaylee was acting kind of off and I didn't understand some of the things she was doing. She didn't want to go to activity days, she was mad I made her bath, and some other stuff. Then Aspen came to me and told me Kaylee and Caden were packing to go look for some wild horses. I found her note to us and her and Cadens backpacks were all filled up with everything they might need. It was hilarious!! I did tell her she couldn't go without me and she was really bumbed, but she saddled up twix and me and the kids rode the four wheeler and packed a lunch and went in search of the wild mustangs by our house. We didn't see them but Kaylee was glad we went looking. I thought we cured that curiosity. Then a few weeks later I came home from exercising around 7 in the morning and no Kaylee. This note was on the kitchen counter..But only Kaylee, no Caden

So, yea she was gone looking for mustangs to catch one and take it to the ranch to train it. I loaded up the other kids on the wheeler and we went out looking for her. I assumed I would find her right away on the trail up there, but I didn't. I was searching for a good 30 mins, getting a little frantic and mad and completely scared. The other kids were crying because I was going too fast and they were scared and sore from the bumps. Finally when I was about recruit more people to come help me search and tell Dave to come home from work to help and I got a call from our house phone. It was Kaylee. She started walking then decided she needed to go potty so she came back home, but instead of coming to our house to go she went to my parents across the street. That is when we went out looking for her. She decided she better come home and when she got here we were gone (you know.. looking for her) So she turned on a movie. After a while she decided to call us. I was so relieved and furious at the same time!!!! I think she hopefully learned her lesson. |
This is when we went looking for them together- eating our picnic Sorry, these pictures are all out of order. |
This is the funniest part. A few weeks after this ordeal I was cleaning out her desk and found this hidden at the very bottom under everything.. her packing and to do list. At least she is prepared. |
Love her double check marks. |
My favorite one... Don't let mom know! I laughed at that one... Only because Ive had time to recover and get over how mad and scared I was. |
More of us when we went out looking for them together. |
This is still one of my favorite stories ever. :)