This is how I find him most mornings and after naps. He is standing up in his crib, usually just talking away waiting for me to come rescue him.. Happy as can be! It freaked me out the first time, I wondered who stole my baby and put this toddler in his crib.
Riding a little horse all by himself with Aspen riding next to him

This is the crazy one.. Our baby is officially a CRAWLER!!! It is so stinkin cute! Hes been close for a few weeks getting up on his hands and knees and rocking, sliding backwards, and scooting around then just today he started to truly crawl he can now go from one side of the room to the other. Heres a short little video of him tonight so I could put it on here.
This is the crazy one.. Our baby is officially a CRAWLER!!! It is so stinkin cute! Hes been close for a few weeks getting up on his hands and knees and rocking, sliding backwards, and scooting around then just today he started to truly crawl he can now go from one side of the room to the other. Heres a short little video of him tonight so I could put it on here.
We seriously love this kid!! His smile will make anyone smile. He loves his vegetables so much and loves to eat pretty much anything! I am loving watching him grow and develop, and he is so stinkin cute, but it also makes me sad to see him not a baby anymore!
I have to agree, he is so stinkin' cute. There is no stopping him now. He's a go-getter.