On Saturday it had finally warmed and dried up enough to pull out some of the toys. The girls were dying to ride on the little track by our house.
Aspen on her little wheeler. She did really good and absolutely loves it!
Kaylee jumping her little motorcycle
Briggs all bundled up hangin with his dad- just happy to be outside.
These are the "his and hers" little machines Dave got running from some of his dad storage sheds. They were made in like the 60's and are called "tote gotes" They were super fun to cruise around on. Caden loved riding on them. Dave said they are our new date machines.. We will just head up the canyon on our little gotes for our dates. Which I actually think would be pretty fun!! My hubby and his treasures! :)
This kid cracks me up! He is so self reliant - He has to do everything by him self. Well, yesterday he had a little sore on his lip and was trying to eat an orange so it kept hurting. He got a towel out of the drawer and would wipe it after every bite. Then he go smart and decided to scale to the top shelf in the pantry and get him a band aid and then put it on so it wouldn't hurt him anymore.
This is what our Tuesday mornings consist of. Caden is obsessed with garbage trucks. Tuesday mornings is when our garbage is picked up so as soon as he hears the truck outside we have to open the windows and he just sits there still and watches for the truck to come. Whats funny is when he was smaller the garbage truck would terrify him. As soon as he heard it outside he would panic and just start screaming!! If I need to get something done I found a 10 minute video on you tube of a garbage truck driving around picking up garbage and that replayed again and again will keep this kid happy all day.
Our littlest man is on the verge of crawling. As soon as I sit him down he leans over on his hand and walks them out...
Until he is in the crawling position. Where he bounces, and scoots.
The only problem is that he only knows how to go backwards. So I find him in some pretty weird places
Like under the couch...

Stuck in between the couches...


Under the shoe rack...

This one was kind of funny. I put him down in the middle of our family room within a few minutes he had scooted across the room, ran into the wall so he just kept turning his body until his legs were free and would keep going back wards. This is where he ended up.. Wedged between the wall and the rocking chair and the big bean bag behind him. He was trapped.
Briggs has also had his 2 bottom teeth come in, but I couldnt get him to open his mouth to get a picture. Were glad they are finally through and not hurting him anymore.
Tonight I had just got Cades pjs on when our neighbor knocked on the door. They came in and were talking, laughing and playing with Briggs and the girls . But, no Caden. He didn't come down. I was worried after they left about 10 mins later I would find him smearing desitin all over the walls or his bed or something destructive. So after they left I deiced to brave it and go discover the mess that I was sure was waiting for me. Then to my amazement Caden was laying in his bed, all tucked in reading his bee stuffed animal a story. I was shocked. He has been being so much better - a good helper, not hurting his sister near what he used to. He has been my little pal. Lets hope he stays in this good streak!!
Stuck in between the couches...
Under the shoe rack...
This one was kind of funny. I put him down in the middle of our family room within a few minutes he had scooted across the room, ran into the wall so he just kept turning his body until his legs were free and would keep going back wards. This is where he ended up.. Wedged between the wall and the rocking chair and the big bean bag behind him. He was trapped.
Tonight I had just got Cades pjs on when our neighbor knocked on the door. They came in and were talking, laughing and playing with Briggs and the girls . But, no Caden. He didn't come down. I was worried after they left about 10 mins later I would find him smearing desitin all over the walls or his bed or something destructive. So after they left I deiced to brave it and go discover the mess that I was sure was waiting for me. Then to my amazement Caden was laying in his bed, all tucked in reading his bee stuffed animal a story. I was shocked. He has been being so much better - a good helper, not hurting his sister near what he used to. He has been my little pal. Lets hope he stays in this good streak!!
This is a picture of him cuddling his bee after he fell asleep.

Now were looking forward to the good weather this coming weekend and hopefully have something fun we did to blog about... Hooray for spring!!! and hooray for my bulbs starting to emerge from the ground, and a super big hooray for our flying bees.. they make it through the winter- We are super excited. We must have done something right!! :)
Now were looking forward to the good weather this coming weekend and hopefully have something fun we did to blog about... Hooray for spring!!! and hooray for my bulbs starting to emerge from the ground, and a super big hooray for our flying bees.. they make it through the winter- We are super excited. We must have done something right!! :)
:) I love the pics. I'm jealous of all the machines :) I remember the tote gotes. I feel bad we're not there to help out with dad and to watch your cute kids grow up. We still haven't even met Briggs :( We miss you guys so much and wish we could come back.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you started this blog. It keeps us all connected even though we are away. It's nice to build all these memories with your family and be able to document with pics so they will remember them to when they grow older. Keep up the good job. Love you guys.