I had to just throw this one in of Cadens way of feeding the chickens!! The little stinker- Wasted over 1/2 dozen eggs by cracking them out the back door for the chickens to eat. He thought it was so funny (but not so funny after he was put on time out!)
Last week Kaylee had career day at school where you chose a career you want then come dressed as it and then bring something to sell that represents your career choice. So I asked Kaylee what she wanted to do when she got older and she looked at me like DUH!! and said she wanted to be a mom just like me. (actually I think she called me a house worker.. same thing right?) I thought it was pretty sweet and her dad couldnt have been prouder of her! That is in deed the most important job she could ever have. Then I asked her what she wanted to take to sell- hoping for some store bought cookies as an "after school snack" but no, she wanted to sell aprons- she had to bring 20 items to sell. I thought that was cute but as it came closer to the date, I started chickening out. Then My most awesome ambitious mom came to my rescue and whipped out 20 super cute aprons and an extra one for the teacher. I helped her cut some out, but that is all the credit i can take. She is AWESOME! the kids loved them although a lot that wanted them didnt get them because almost all the teachers loved them so much that they bought most of them! Thanks mom!!!
Here she is dressed up as a mom with all the aprons. Although not pictured here is the rest of her costume-her baby and diaper bag and bottles. We Love this girl and she will make a great mom one day!
Kaylee really wanted to catch the leprechaun this year so she make this trap. A box with duct tape along the front and gold coins behind it, not sure what the purpose of the books and boot in front. She was hoping the leprechaun would step on the duct tape while trying to get the gold and get stuck. They got it all set then headed up to bed with great anticipation. The girls were making plans with what they were going to do with the pot of gold they were going to have after catching him.

Closer up

Ohhh the disappointment in the morning...
The darn little guy got away! He took one of the coins, but some trail mix must have fallen out of his pocket when he was trying to get unstuck from the duct tape because there was some left in the box and on the floor. The sneaky little thing. They already have plans on how to outsmart him next year! I hope it works for them.. a pot of gold could come in really handy! :)
Closer up
Ohhh the disappointment in the morning...
You must be doing something right for her to want to be a mom. She's learning and doing a great job now.