Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aspen the pro motorcycle rider.. and more dirtbike fun

On Saturday all the girls wanted to do was go ride on the little track so in the afternoon when it warmed up a little we braved the cold and went out for a bit. The kids had so much fun!
Aspen tearing it up on her little 4 wheeler.
Kaylee on her bike.. this picture kills me. Notice the front tire off the ground but yet shes looking directly at me with the camera!
Kaylee giving dave bunny ears. Caden absolutely loved to ride around with his dad. Although they were a little crazy!! Surprisingly he could catch some pretty good air off the jumps.

Their faces tell it all.... Daves thinking "oh man, my wife's going to be mad at me for jumping that one", and Cadens saying "Heck yes dad, it was a little scary but lets do it again, maybe a little faster next time-oh yea, I have the coolest dad EVER!!! hope mom didnt see us!"

After riding for a bit Aspen decided she wanted to ride the motorcycle, but with me. So here we are.. (this picture by the way is posted against my will since my face is so cute- Dave made me do it) I am pulling a face pretending to be scared because Aspen is a crazy driver.
Even though our kids have dorky parents, they have a good time. ;-)

After riding with me for a few laps she wanted to try it all by herself. She did so darn good! She just took right off. Dave ran along the side of her for a bit then she didnt need him. She did awesome.
Off she goes..

She did have a few mishaps...

(Thats a big smile under the helmet)

This one cracked us up.. It was totally slow motion.
I should have got a picture of the thumbs up she gave us after each wipe out! She never cried to complained or anything. She would give us a big thumbs up with a huge smile, hop up and then try to stand her bike back up, and was ready to take off again. She was so brave. The other kids were cold and ready to go home, but not Aspen, she loved it so much and wanted to stay out there and keep riding. She rode for close to an hour with all us just standing there watching her. She finally got cold and agreed we could go home. We were so proud of her! We look forward to lots more rides this summer!

Career day and trying to catch the leprechaun

I had to just throw this one in of Cadens way of feeding the chickens!! The little stinker- Wasted over 1/2 dozen eggs by cracking them out the back door for the chickens to eat. He thought it was so funny (but not so funny after he was put on time out!)

Last week Kaylee had career day at school where you chose a career you want then come dressed as it and then bring something to sell that represents your career choice. So I asked Kaylee what she wanted to do when she got older and she looked at me like DUH!! and said she wanted to be a mom just like me. (actually I think she called me a house worker.. same thing right?) I thought it was pretty sweet and her dad couldnt have been prouder of her! That is in deed the most important job she could ever have. Then I asked her what she wanted to take to sell- hoping for some store bought cookies as an "after school snack" but no, she wanted to sell aprons- she had to bring 20 items to sell. I thought that was cute but as it came closer to the date, I started chickening out. Then My most awesome ambitious mom came to my rescue and whipped out 20 super cute aprons and an extra one for the teacher. I helped her cut some out, but that is all the credit i can take. She is AWESOME! the kids loved them although a lot that wanted them didnt get them because almost all the teachers loved them so much that they bought most of them! Thanks mom!!!
Here she is dressed up as a mom with all the aprons. Although not pictured here is the rest of her costume-her baby and diaper bag and bottles. We Love this girl and she will make a great mom one day!
Kaylee really wanted to catch the leprechaun this year so she make this trap. A box with duct tape along the front and gold coins behind it, not sure what the purpose of the books and boot in front. She was hoping the leprechaun would step on the duct tape while trying to get the gold and get stuck. They got it all set then headed up to bed with great anticipation. The girls were making plans with what they were going to do with the pot of gold they were going to have after catching him.

Closer up

Ohhh the disappointment in the morning...

The darn little guy got away! He took one of the coins, but some trail mix must have fallen out of his pocket when he was trying to get unstuck from the duct tape because there was some left in the box and on the floor. The sneaky little thing. They already have plans on how to outsmart him next year! I hope it works for them.. a pot of gold could come in really handy! :)

Our baby is not so babyish anymore!!

This is how I find him most mornings and after naps. He is standing up in his crib, usually just talking away waiting for me to come rescue him.. Happy as can be! It freaked me out the first time, I wondered who stole my baby and put this toddler in his crib.
Riding a little horse all by himself with Aspen riding next to him

This is the crazy one.. Our baby is officially a CRAWLER!!! It is so stinkin cute! Hes been close for a few weeks getting up on his hands and knees and rocking, sliding backwards, and scooting around then just today he started to truly crawl he can now go from one side of the room to the other. Heres a short little video of him tonight so I could put it on here.

We seriously love this kid!! His smile will make anyone smile. He loves his vegetables so much and loves to eat pretty much anything! I am loving watching him grow and develop, and he is so stinkin cute, but it also makes me sad to see him not a baby anymore!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

First time out in the waters

We finally fullfilled one of Daves dreams and got us a little fishing boat. Our neighbor up the street was having a yard sale and Dave was able to pick up this boat with the engine for a sweet deal. We have been dying to try it out since we got it, but we have been so busy. Today didnt have anything pressing to get done so we decided to give it a go. We launched it at willow park and just cruised up the Jordan river. The sun came out just as we were and it was so nice. The kids LOVED it! (except Briggs- he didnt love his life jacket) Aspen was a little nervous at first but then she was the one that kept saying "faster, faster, go faster Daddy". We didnt go very long, just long enough to get a feel for it and make sure everything works on it. We couldnt be happier!

Caden in the captain chair.. with his "CHEESE"
Princess Aspen with her pizza still on her face and hair blowing in the wind

Kaylee and Aspen keeping an eye out for whats ahead.

Me, Briggs, and Aspen

Dave helping Kaylee get her fishing pole rigged up. She wanted to fish so Dave just put on a spinner and let her drag it behind us. She didnt catch anything today, but shes excited to catch lots this summer.

Briggs all done up in his life jacket..hes thrilled! :) the poor thing couldnt hardly move but he was patient and very good. He got to where he forgot about it and liked to watch where we were going.

Caden helping Dave get us back to our truck
Honestly I was a little nervous about taking all the kids out, but I had so much fun and so did they! We look forward to many more trips out in the ol boat but, hopefully with some big fish to bring home too!

Friday, March 11, 2011


So Caden has been so much better about not getting in trouble the last couple of weeks. I have loved it. Then tonight the crazy kid came back for a bit. With the warm weather all he wants to do is play outside which is good, but I cant keep him in the back yard. Some how he gets out. So this afternoon I was feeding Briggs and noticed Caden out front riding his scooter when he was suposed to be out back. So I was watching him and then he went around the corner where I couldnt see him. It had been a few minutes since Id seen him so I decided to go check him. I walk out to the garage and hear loud noises from on top of my garage door. I look and sure enough.. theres Caden. My garage was open so he had climbed up on my car, on the roof of my car then jumped up on top of the garage door while it was up. Basically playing in the rafters of my garage!! The little stinker. He thought it was hilarious of course. I would have loved to be my neighbors listening to me yelling at him cohersing him to get down from there. I couldn't go up there to get him-the door would for sure collapse with me on there. So he did come down (after I let him dangle whining for me to help him because he couldn't quite reach the roof of the car... but I knew he wasn't going to hurt himself so I made him dangle from his armpits from the garage door for a minute so hopefully it scared him and he wont try it again). Then I put him in the house while I talked to my sister for a few minutes outside. We joked about I should have hog tied him inside so I knew he wouldn't be getting in trouble, but I thought.. No he knows hes in trouble he wouldn't be doing anything bad... WRONG!! I walk in and look out the back door and in those few minutes he had taken eggs out of the fridge, and cracked them all on my back deck, (he does this a lot. He thinks the chickens eat the eggs.. not lay them. He gets them from their coup and "feeds the chickens" the eggs they just layed.), emptied a thing of sour cream on the grass that I needed to make something for a funeral in the morning, and was sitting there lighting matches (seriously, what 2 yr old knows how to light matches by themselves??) that he must have found in our hiding spot up in the cup board- Which he would have had to climb on the counter to get to. There were 4 that had been lit and burned the tips of--- on my wood deck!!! Seriously!! Needless to say, he was in time out for a while and we obviously found a better hiding spot for the matches.
I was super glad it was date night for me and Kaylee tonight, and she let Aspen come. I was so ready for a night out with my sweet little girls!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A little bit of what we've been up to

On Saturday it had finally warmed and dried up enough to pull out some of the toys. The girls were dying to ride on the little track by our house.

Aspen on her little wheeler. She did really good and absolutely loves it!

Kaylee jumping her little motorcycle

Briggs all bundled up hangin with his dad- just happy to be outside.

These are the "his and hers" little machines Dave got running from some of his dad storage sheds. They were made in like the 60's and are called "tote gotes" They were super fun to cruise around on. Caden loved riding on them. Dave said they are our new date machines.. We will just head up the canyon on our little gotes for our dates. Which I actually think would be pretty fun!! My hubby and his treasures! :)

This kid cracks me up! He is so self reliant - He has to do everything by him self. Well, yesterday he had a little sore on his lip and was trying to eat an orange so it kept hurting. He got a towel out of the drawer and would wipe it after every bite. Then he go smart and decided to scale to the top shelf in the pantry and get him a band aid and then put it on so it wouldn't hurt him anymore.

This is what our Tuesday mornings consist of. Caden is obsessed with garbage trucks. Tuesday mornings is when our garbage is picked up so as soon as he hears the truck outside we have to open the windows and he just sits there still and watches for the truck to come. Whats funny is when he was smaller the garbage truck would terrify him. As soon as he heard it outside he would panic and just start screaming!! If I need to get something done I found a 10 minute video on you tube of a garbage truck driving around picking up garbage and that replayed again and again will keep this kid happy all day.

Our littlest man is on the verge of crawling. As soon as I sit him down he leans over on his hand and walks them out...

Until he is in the crawling position. Where he bounces, and scoots.

The only problem is that he only knows how to go backwards. So I find him in some pretty weird places
Like under the couch...

Stuck in between the couches...


Under the shoe rack...

This one was kind of funny. I put him down in the middle of our family room within a few minutes he had scooted across the room, ran into the wall so he just kept turning his body until his legs were free and would keep going back wards. This is where he ended up.. Wedged between the wall and the rocking chair and the big bean bag behind him. He was trapped.

Briggs has also had his 2 bottom teeth come in, but I couldnt get him to open his mouth to get a picture. Were glad they are finally through and not hurting him anymore.

Tonight I had just got Cades pjs on when our neighbor knocked on the door. They came in and were talking, laughing and playing with Briggs and the girls . But, no Caden. He didn't come down. I was worried after they left about 10 mins later I would find him smearing desitin all over the walls or his bed or something destructive. So after they left I deiced to brave it and go discover the mess that I was sure was waiting for me. Then to my amazement Caden was laying in his bed, all tucked in reading his bee stuffed animal a story. I was shocked. He has been being so much better - a good helper, not hurting his sister near what he used to. He has been my little pal. Lets hope he stays in this good streak!!
This is a picture of him cuddling his bee after he fell asleep.

Now were looking forward to the good weather this coming weekend and hopefully have something fun we did to blog about... Hooray for spring!!! and hooray for my bulbs starting to emerge from the ground, and a super big hooray for our flying bees.. they make it through the winter- We are super excited. We must have done something right!! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

While mom and dad sleep...

I guess all the late nights the past few months (since dave has started school) are starting to take a toll on us... yesterday morning we were out. Dave likes to leave for work by 7:20. Well, I woke up to Kaylee bringing Dave a hand full of his vitamins and a drink of water with a big smile. I looked at the clock and it said 7:18!! OHHH CRAP!! I shove Dave to wake him up and ask Kaylee to go start some water boiling for oatmeal. She got a big smile on her face and said "I already did" I ran downstairs to pack his lunch and finish his breakfast...

On the way I found Caden playing happily with his dump truck.. not getting in trouble. Weird.

Aspen in the crib playing with Briggs

Then I went in the kitchen to find this..
Kaylee had toasted our waffles from yesterday, arranged them on the plate so she could mound up some home canned applesauce in the middle-she knows dad loves that! Then cut up some bananas to go on the waffles. She had also made him a BIG bowl of oatmeal. She accidental added too much water, so she decided to add two more packets to thicken it up. :) Then she cut up some fresh bananas in his oatmeal along with some raisins. She had his lunch bag hanging on the drawer starting to pack his lunch with bananas and apples. She had also made caden some oatmeal that was already eaten on the table. What a sweetheart!! Were not sure what we would do without great kids to bail us out when were sleepy heads!!