We have made it a tradition to harvest our honey from our bee hives on the Saturday of October General Conference. It was a little more tricky this year than last since we have learned that Caden is super allergic to the bee stings. We had to make sure no bees were able to get in the house. We had my parents watch the kids Friday night while we went on got the hives and tried to get all the bees out. I only got 2 bees in my veil. That honestly has to be one of the worst things ever! Trying not to totally flip out because if you do, you will probably get stung, but completely flipping out inside. I couldnt unzip my veil with my big gloves on but eventually I got it and we were ok. :) We were doing really good with no bees until the morning started warming up and I all the neighborhood bees got scent of the honey in the back of our truck. We should have brought them in the house but we were trying to get them warmed up by the sun so the honey would come out easier. Its obviously a learning experience until we figure it all out and have a system down. We had a few bees roaming around the yard but no stings and everything went well. Andy and Amelia (Daves sister and her hubby) were in town from Idaho that weekend and helped for a bit. They were here last year we did it and saw how much harder it was to do it without the right tools so they are awesome and got us an uncapping knife which made it 1000 times easier!!
Andy uncapping the frames and dave spinning the honey out |
My mom and dad came over to check it out and my dad took some turns. |
Kaylee was a good help |
MMmm.. like gold at our house. |
Caden helped too. |
I feel bad the pictures weren't very good, I was having camera issues. I think we ended up with about 150 lbs of honey this year. We were really happy about it. It was a bad honey year and a lot of people didn't get any honey. Hopefully next year will even be better :)
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