Monday, December 17, 2012

A trip to the Zoo

I finally got around to taking my kids to the zoo for the first time ever!! I know, I am a boring mom! I've wanted Dave to go with us but life is so busy! There was a free day and it was supposed to be nice weather so I couldn't turn down the chance. The kids had fun, but a lot of the stuff was closed for the winter of for construction, but the kids were happy to see any animals. Jessica was nice enough to come with us and bring her kids too.

The kids watching the elephants

Kaylee and Aspen were such good helpers with the little kids.

The Rhino!

This was their favorite part, and mine. This polar bear was swimming like crazy! We could stand behind the glass so your looking under water and watching it. It would dive under right in front of us, then hit the side, like in this picture then flip backwards and push off with its feet so it could float on its back until it hit the other side, then do it all again. It was literally right in front of us and the kids thought it was hilarious. Definitely the boys favorite part  and mine  :)

Caden laughing at it swimming on its back.

Swimming under water in front of us.

They also liked the bears

And the tiger -  that was sound asleep!

The apes

Push Caden, push

Probably one of their other favorite things was playing with this big ball and the water.

They also really loved the spider monkeys that were climbing and swinging around like crazy. The boys would laugh and laugh when they swung by them. I thought this one was cute - a momma monkey nursing its baby. Its hard to see but it was super cute and the look on the moms face while its resting its chin on the branch in front of it was a look I understood so well, or one that any nursing mother would. It was too cute!
We were glad we got to go and hope to go again next summer and see a  lot more stuff.

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