Monday, July 30, 2012

Field day and Dance festival

At the end of the school year the girls had their dance festival and field day. They both did great on their dances and had so much fun! I was worried about Aspen, with it being her first one, but she did great. She danced to splish splash and got to dress up in her swimming suit. Kaylee danced to foot loose and was super excited to be able to wear her cowboy hat and boots.

Aspen sporting her sweet shower cap and goggles

Aspens class all lined out getting ready to dance

Aspen dancing, in the far back corner

Caden with Austyn and his buddy Tucker

Kaylees class lined up

Kaylee with her partner Riggin.

They asked me to help with field day so I was able to walk around and do the activities with Kaylees group. It was fun to watch her, but also missed out on seeing Aspen.

One time We passed her group so I made her hug me and get a picture. She had a blast staying all day and playing games

Kaylee in line with her buddies.

Best of pals.. Keira, Arlee and Kaylee.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fathers Day

A little late, but some pictures from Fathers Day..
I somehow lucked out and have the best fathers in the world. My sweet hubby is seriously the best father to our kids.I couldn't have dreamed of a better one! Then my dad, who is amazing and my grandpas! Love them all, and are so grateful to have them!!

It has become a Sunday routine for Aspen to "help" Dave with his homework.  This is how it usually turns out. Both sound asleep!!

We had a BBQ at the hunting club that night.

Grandpa with some of the little kids

Bringing Grandpa his present. A new sweet shot gun.

He had lots of helpers to put it together.

We also celebrated Austyn and Heaths birthday.

Briggs loved the Ice cream

This was Daves yummy breakfast in bed the kids helped me make.. Fresh fruit crepes

A card Caden made his dad in primary

And a picture Caden drew of him and his dad

Card from Kaylee

Dad opening presents from his kids. They got him a cute little alcohol stove.
I really do feel like the luckiest girl ever to have these great men in my life! To be surrounded by outstanding men of honesty and humility, and worthy to use their priesthood whenever I need it. Thank You so much! We love you!!

Make shift zip line

So Dave is in the process of making a sweet club house in our back yard and has big plans for a jungle gym type of thing which includes a zip line from the club house across the back yard. The girls are so excited about it and just couldn't wait so one afternoon they made a make shift one to play on.

Kaylee trying it out

And Aspen

Now that is one handsome Caden - pink gloves, belly shirt and all! :)

First time fishing for the summer

We have been wanting to go fishing, but between Dave's work, and school, and scouts, our free time has been very limited. We finally just decided for a family night to head into American Fork to a community fishing pond. Although its nothing like a real lake, we had fun and caught some fish.

Caden caught him a fish

Briggs wasn't really sure about it.

The kids probably had more fun playing in the water (we didn't notice the no swimming sign until later :)

Kaylee was teaching Caden how to gut the fish. It was funny, Kaylee was gutting her fish, being all gross like she usually is, playing with it, poking its eyes, and flinging around the guts, then Aspen wanted to gut one. She did really good, but she was "EWE, Gross, disgusting, eweee, blood touched me" Type stuff the whole time. A guy that was sitting kinda by us and could hear everything was laughing at how different they are. That explains their personalities. Love them both to pieces!!

The kids with their haul of fish.