Yep, I'm slow but I'm finally getting around to posting the summer Birthdays starting with Cadens- July 13th
Caden opening the present Kaylee made him and wrapped for him. |
A friendship bracelet.. How sweet! |
Getting him all set up with it tied on his wrist. |
Blue #4 pancake |
His tractor cake |
He got a fun monster maker |
Briggs was sad Caden was getting all the attention. :) |
Kaylee always loves to light the candles |
Hi can hardly contain his excitement :) |
Blowing the candles out |
Not sure what this present was but it must have been hilarious judging by Caden and Kaylees faces! |
This is what we gave him.. A sand digger. |
He loved it. Actually all the kids loved it. |
Grandma Smith got him some sweet sunglasses so he is practicing his "oh yea baby" moves. |
Grandma Snyder came to visit him and brought him that huge carrot cake cupcake for his cake. |
From Grandma Snyder |
Thanks to all who celebrated his birthday with us. He is turning into such a sweet boy (when he wants to.) He is so stinkin smart and comes up with the most creative ideas at times. He loves the animals, loves to be outside pretty much all day! He loves to sneak across the street to visit his Grandma and Grandpa. Climbing the trees, digging in the sandbox, riding his bike or scooter, or skateboard, and helping me with yard work, he is a hard worker and loves to find weeds to pull. He has this big huge dream played out for when he is a little older he is going to live in a castle and he will have all the nice animals in there and whoever is nice to him can come in his castle. That's how you know what kind of mood he is in.. weather We can go to his castle or not. If someone is mean to him he will automatically say- even when crying that they cant come to his castle or if someone is nice he makes sure they know they can come in his castle. He puts so much thought into it- its hilarious. If you ask him about his castle, you better be sitting down because he will talk and talk and talk about it. He even has it planned out that he will let some mean animals in and if they do eat him, he will tickle their bellies while he is in there and when they open their mouths to laugh he will crawl out. I love the imagination of this kid. His other new thing is "when he is 17" He will do it (whatever we ask him to do, or if he wants to do something). He is great in his church class- very reverent and obeys his teacher which was a relief for me. He still knows how to push our buttons on a regular basis but he is so much fun!! Him and Briggs will disappear most the morning while the girls are gone and just play and play. I usually find them in their room playing trains or with the cats. I love this kid so much and glad he is ours!!!
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