So, as you know we have had 2 bee hives in our hard for going on 3 years. They have been fun and really don't bother us. We liked watching them and seeing them around. Well this spring caden and Briggs got in a brotherly tuff and both ended up right in front of the bee hive fighting over something and both ended up getting stung. Cadens was right on his neck and as I was watching him he was having more of a reaction then normal so I gave him some benadryl and kept and eye on him. He did have a little rash on his stomach, but acted fine. A month or so later we were in Tooele actually trying to catch a wild swarm at a friends house and the kids were off playing and sure enough of all the kids one stung Caden right under his eye. I panicked, because of his last reaction and ran right to the store to get some benadryl within a few minutes then watched him as he started swelling and getting hives over his whole body. I decided to take him to the instacare right away and they confirmed he was having an anaphalactic reaction and it was a really good thing I gave him the benadryl really fast, and they gave him more benadryl and a shot of epi. Awesome! They kept us there for some time then Dave and the other kids came then they sent us to the ER so they could continue to monitor him for a few hrs. Luckily he responded good the the shot and they let us drive him there ourselves instead of the ambulance, one of us just had sit back with him and watch him. We got to the Tooele ER and my sister Jessica is awesome and came and got the other kids so we could just be with Caden, and it was getting late. That was a huge help!! They monitored him for 4-5 hrs then finally released us around 1 AM. He did really good, and was super brave. He didn't even cry with the shots or anything. His eye was so swollen he couldn't even open it that night or most of the next day. Then it filtered over to his other eye too and he didn't look human for about 4 days. We decided obviously we needed to relocate our hives.. So they are down at my dads farm and I now carry banadryl and an Epi- pen in my purse at all times. He knows that bees are bad for him now and is really scared which is actually good because before he would want to play with them. I'm hoping if he doesn't get stung for a while his body will be able to build immunities to it, I hope anyway, If that's the way it works? I don't know, I'm just a little nervous about the next one and hope were prepared!
Kole, Dave and Jared trying to catch the hive of bees. It was a little interesting. :-) |
This was the day after or 2 days after. He got stung under his left eye. |
This was in the ER, Caden fell asleep with a little teddy bear the hospital gave him. |
Pretty scary. I think they are paying him back for tormenting them in their early life :)