Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kaylee's Science project

Back in May Kaylee had to do a science experiment for school. Her and her dad came up with the "Glowing Pickle".  Of course it had to be something cool and  not safe, but I don't complain because I didn't have to do it. :) The science projects are for dad!  What they did was split the electrical cord in half and wrap each end around nails and stick them in opposite sides of a pickle then plug it in. The pickle would then glow and you could see the electricity traveling through it. The pickle would then start smoking and making an awful burnt pickle smell and they thought it was awesome! She just had to be careful the two nails didn't touch, and to get it all set up and back away to plug it in. Well when she was showing the class the teacher didn't read the detailed instructions and plugged the cord in with out Kaylee knowing and she went to stick them in the pickle and the nails got a little close and sparked, scaring her and the class and she dropped them. It would have been funny to see. So she had to explain to the teacher to not plug it in yet to avoid electrocution! She loved it and I'm sure her teacher and class enjoyed the burnt pickle smell all day! Thanks for being such and awesome dad hunny, and getting the 2nd grade class electrocuted!! :-)

Kaylee and dad working on her poster

The glowing pickle

Man, that is so interesting!!

Showing it off at school

Bye, Bye Bee hive.. in the yard atleast

So, as you know we have had 2 bee hives in our hard for going on 3 years. They have been fun and really don't bother us. We liked watching them and seeing them around. Well this spring caden and Briggs got in a brotherly tuff and both ended up right in front of the bee hive fighting over something and both ended up getting stung. Cadens was right on his neck and as I was watching him he was having more of a reaction then normal so I gave him some benadryl and kept and eye on him. He did have a little rash on his stomach, but acted fine. A month or so later we were in Tooele actually trying to catch a wild swarm at a friends house and the kids were off playing and sure enough of all the kids one stung Caden right under his eye. I panicked, because of his last reaction and ran right to the store to get some benadryl within a few minutes then watched him as he started swelling and getting hives over his whole body. I decided to take him to the instacare right away and they confirmed he was having an anaphalactic reaction and it was a really good thing I gave him the benadryl really fast, and they gave him more benadryl and a shot of epi. Awesome! They kept us there for some time then Dave and the other kids came then they sent us to the ER so they could continue to monitor him for a few hrs. Luckily he responded good the the shot and they let us drive him there ourselves instead of the ambulance, one of us just had sit back with him and watch him. We got to the Tooele ER and my sister Jessica is awesome and came and got the other kids so we could just be with Caden, and it was getting late. That was a huge help!! They monitored him for 4-5 hrs then finally released us around 1 AM. He did really good, and was super brave. He didn't even cry with the shots or anything.  His eye was so swollen he couldn't even open it that night or most of the next day. Then it filtered over to his other eye too and he didn't look human for about 4 days. We decided obviously we needed to relocate our hives.. So they are down at my dads farm and I now carry banadryl and an Epi- pen in my purse at all times. He knows that bees are bad for him now and is really scared which is actually good because before he would want to play with them. I'm hoping if he doesn't get stung for a while his body will be able to build immunities to it, I hope anyway, If that's the way it works? I don't know, I'm just a little nervous about the next one and hope were prepared!

Kole, Dave and Jared trying to catch the hive of bees.  It was a little interesting.  :-)

This was the day after or 2 days after. He got stung under his left eye.

This was in the ER, Caden fell asleep with a little teddy bear the hospital gave him.

Good Luck in NM!!!

My kids saying their goodbyes...
The kids headed to compete, minus Kale, he was home, and Kandice isn't competing, shes too old... shes a big High schooler now :)
This is supposed to be their "bring-it" game face.
And yes, they are goofy!!
Not sure what they are doing with their legs... but aren't they gorgeous?!!?

My little sister Alexa, Niece Kaycie, Nephews Dylin, Kole, Kale are in New Mexico this week competing at Nationals for the National Junior high school rodeo Association. Alexa ended up 4th in the state in Goat tying, and 3rh (i think) in Ribbon roping. Dylin won Calf roping and ribbon roping, with Kaycie being his runner. Kaycie barely missed nationals in goats and Kale barely missed Calf roping.  They now have a rifle shooting competition that Alexa, Kole, and Kale all made the top 4 and are competing in Nationals. They all had a great year, and hopefully have an awesome nationals this week.
 Good Luck Kids!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Round Robin shoot 2012

Somehow this year me and Dave got sucked into the Round Robin shoot at the hunting club. It was actually a lot of fun. Our original team was me, Dave, my dad, Cameron and Alexa. It was a fun team and being able to shoot every week for 3 wks was fun. For the final week we drew teams and I ended up being on my brother in law Koles team with my cousins hubby Drew, and one of my neighbors that is a good friend so it was a fun team. Dave ended up on a team with a guy that works for the same company and Koles brother Trent, so he knew some of the people. My team ended up taking 2nd over all and Daves ended up 5th.

My Dad
My dads team which included my uncle Woody, Brianna - Jeffs girlfriend.
My sweet grandma and grandpa watching dad and Woody shoot
Too cute! Best grandparents ever!!
Me shooting with my team. Kole, cousin Drew, Me, Stefanie Fisher
I shot my best score of 23 out of 25
Dave shooting with his team
Man, I love this guy!!
And this one... :) They love the hunting club
Getting ready to shoot the annie
Our original team
Daves team getting their trophies. I feel bad - the railing got in the way of Daves face.
My team getting our trophies.
It was super fun and my sister Krista and her hubby Kole did a super good job putting them together. Kole and Krista ran all 50 targets on the last week and ended up with the same score for the whole competition. They are awesome!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Spring Break - Tracy Aviary & playing in the water

I know its now summer break, but yes, I am just getting to blogging about spring break. Its been super crazy around our house the last 2 months!! We didn't do anything too crazy this year. We went to Trafalga, I took the kids up to Tracy Aviary one day, and we played in the water. Here are some of the pictures.

That peacock came super close to them and they were able to pet its tail. It was the highlight of the day.
And of course they loved the flamingos
And this bird that didn't want anyone to notice it and hid its head. They thought it was hilarious.
Pretty cute kids, Id have to say!  :)
Of course dad couldn't just stand there and watch them slide. He had to lift up the slide so they would fly down it and into the water. They loved it.
I know we did more, but honestly cant remember, so for now that's all.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kaylee's Baptism

On Saturday, May 5th at 9:00 AM Kaylee was baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by her amazing dad. I feel so blessed to have such a sweet girl in our house and that the Lord has trusted us with raising her. We love her to pieces!! Her dad did a great job and gave her a really nice blessing. She had her Grandpa Smith and her Uncle Kole as witnesses. Her Grandma Snyder and Aunt Melanie were nice enough to play the piano and Aunt Krista led the music. Grandma Smith gave a talk on the Holy Ghost and Grandma Snyder gave a talk on Baptism which were both fantastic. The font was taking unusually long to fill up so we stalled as long as we could and it still needed a little time so her Grandpa Smith took a few minutes to talk to us which was awesome too. My dads brother, Uncle Carey is in our bishopric so he requested to conduct for the day. Her cousins made it from Idaho which she was so glad to see. And most her Aunts and Uncles and cousins and both of her great grandmas made it- Great Grandma Smith and Great Grandma Gibbs which was really special to her. It was a great day and very special to our family. After the baptism we had some food at the pavilion at the stake center, but the weather was pretty chilli so we didn't hang out for very long, but it was great to be with friends and family for the little length of time we could stand the cold weather.  Thank you to all who helped and supported us for her special day! 
We love you!!

Kaylee and Dad in their whites getting ready for the baptism.
Awe.. the love of a father and daughter.!! Love it!!
The whole family
With Grandma Snyder.
With her best friend Arlee
Cousin Cody and Kaylee
With Cody and Arlee - Somehow her cousins  Nick and Drew escaped the picture!  :(
Caden with his pal Corby chowing some doughnuts.  Them are some handsome boys! Watch out world....
Some of the kids trying so catch some sun so they didn't freeze
Some of us visiting
My mom got Kaylee some nice new scriptures with her name on them.  She has loved the middle name Rae, and started writing in on every thing - her school work and everything. So as a surprise I made it official and changed her name legally on her birth certificate as Kaylee Rae Snyder. I had it written on her scriptures to tell her and she was so excited!
Thanks for the scriptures grandma and grandpa, we love you!
Kaylee Rae Snyder, its official!!
Seriously, Thanks to all who came and supported her in this big step! We love you! I feel bad I didnt get more pictures of all who came. It was so cold we were just trying to hurry. :)   We are so blessed to have the best family in the world and great friends. I couldn't choose better friends for my kids and Are so proud of the good kids that they are (most the time  :)
Thank you all!!!