Easter weekend we went camping again this year. Its probably the tradition the kids look forward to the most. I think they are mostly excited to get out camping since its usually our first trip out for the year. Plus, they love doing all the egg hunts in the field. The past few years we woke up to snow on Easter so were expecting that this year, but it was beautiful!! I don't know if we have ever had such great weather! We loved it. We had so much fun and it was great that Briggs is getting old enough to play in the dirt the whole time. Since it was so much fun and great memories made and Easter all combined there are lots of pictures! I tried picking only my favorite ones, but still had a lot, and since this is my scrap book, Theres a lot!! :)
We took Sage and Twix with us and they were so funny. At first we tied Twix's front legs together so she could walk around and graze, but not run away. But then when we let Sage off her leash to run and play Twix would go crazy trying to stay by her so we decided to untie her legs and let her follow sage. She followed her every step! They were hilarious. The poor pony has a serious identity crisis and thinks shes a dog! (Until Alexa brought her horse up and then Twix liked her because she would stop to eat, not like our dog. Then Alexas horse got her hobbles off and the next thing we know the 2 horses were high tailing it back to the farm. Dave jumped on Kaylees little motorcycle and Alexa on hers to chase the horses down. They were going full speed and barely caught them before they hit the highway- a good mile or more away from camp. I wish I could have seen Dave hauling butt on a little motorcycle trying to catch a free running pony! :) She was running fast almost keeping up with Alexa's Barrel horse that was going as fast as Alexa's motorcycle would go in 5th gear! It was crazy and I'm glad they didn't get hurt! its funny now to talk about it, but at the time poor Kaylee almost ran half the way down the road thinking her pony was gone for good! Also glad they didn't make it across the highway and chance getting in an accident.)
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Twix with her hobbles on |
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Kaylee, Caden and their dad shooting guns |
Caden driving the wheeler. He actually did pretty good. |
Kaylee flying her kite |
Caden flying his |
Aspen flying hers |
Dave and Briggs getting ready to go for a ride with my brother Ruger (Riley) |
Briggs spent a lot of time trying to drive the toys himself. |
Caden on the Easter egg hunt with my family. |
Kaycie, Caden, Kaylee, and Cody looking for eggs. |
Now that is a messy boy only parents could love! and we love him!!! |
Family picture after the egg hunt |
Kaylee with her haul of eggs. |
Briggs found one with candy and was content and just sat down and ate it. |
Kaylee looking for eggs
Aspen and Austyn. Austyn was a sweetheart and every time he found a girl color he would give it to Aspen. :) |
Briggs is debating if he should stick his arm down in that bush to get the egg he sees. |
Aspen, Caden, and Briggs playing in the dirt. They spent a lot of time excavating Kaylees jump for her motorcycle. |
Caden with my moms heap of dog Chewy |
Briggs loved playing with Sage. |
Caden showing us the sweet bug catcher uncle Dan gave him. He caught a lot of stink bugs and kept them in his container. |
Ooops, don't let Amy see Briggs on top of her truck! :) see what a good mom I am, make him smile for a picture before I get after him for being on there. |
Kaylee was the "puller" while people were shooting. It was hard for her and had to jump on the thrower to get it to release. Sometimes it would launch her backwards, but she was tough and kept at it for a long time! |
Getting her balance before she jumps. |
Briggs played and played like this. He was in Heaven being able to play outside in the dirt all day long. |
More playing fun |
Caden showing us the stink bug he caught. |
Now for Easter morning: Kaylee left the Easter Bunny a sparkly pencil and a note so the Easter Bunny left the kids this nice note. |
Briggs with his Easter Basket |
Caden with his Basket |
Aspen with her stuff |
And Kaylee with hers. |
The Easter bunny was kind to them, but he must have been busy this year or too tired or having a brain cramp because he forgot to hide any eggs. Oops :) |
The boys sleeping so cute together. |
Aspen chillin' by the fire. |
Caden caught him a tractor in his bug net. |
Kaylee and her goofy faces by the fire. |
Now that is one handsome boy, snow boots and all !! :-) |
That sucker from Gra Snyder kept him busy for a while!! |
Grandma Snyder was super nice and came out to do an egg hunt for the kids and Dave brother and his family ventured out the the boonies to do it to. It was a good time and Grandma Snyder spoiled them. |
Briggs looking for eggs- hes getting the hang of it now and knows there is candy in the eggs. |
Daves long long time Best friend Dan came out with his wife Deej, and son Carson. It was so fun to see them and be able to visit for a while. They were even nice enough to hang out for a bit and have some dinner with us. Dan helped Caden find the grand prize egg, but then Caden didn't want it and was giving it to Briggs, who didn't want it either and ended up giving it to Deej. They were super awesome and brought each of the kids an Easter gift! They are too good to us and the kids and love seeing them when we can. |
Uncle Dan helping Caden find the big egg. |
Deej helping Briggs |
Dan, Dave, Briggs, Caden and Deej |
Kaylee with all her eggs, with Mike, Karra, and Adi in the background. |
Aspen with her stuff. |
Kaylee loved having Twix there to ride whenever she wanted to. Twix would get a little grumpy when Kaylee tried to ride her away from camp- probably more mad about leaving Sage. Then Kaylee got smart and figured out how to get on her by herself. So she would get off and walk her through the field for a while, then jump back on and Twix would go back to camp good. Sometimes Kaylee could get her into a trot and some times a lope for a minute :) |
Briggs riding his truck. |
Oooh, tricky boy!! |
Caden and Dave went for a wheeler ride and hike one day looking for elk sheds (We saw some elk roaming the field we were camping at at night the night before) and they came on this little camp site with this little bench and stopped to eat their lunch. |
Briggs looking for more eggs. |
Caden found one! |
The Snyder crew heading out for the hunt.
We had a super fun weekend and cant wait to get out camping again. Soon!. Emily and her family came out and played with us during the day, and Amy and her family Came out on Saturday and camped, My parents were gone high school rodeoing most the weekend but made it out when they could. Then more family off and on. It was a blast! Thanks everyone for making it a fun weekend!
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