Valentines day... Man I am one lucky lady to have the man that I do!! Seriously!! He stayed up late doing homework as usual then woke up super early to surprise me with this delicious breakfast and desserts for dinner.
Yummy Belgium waffles with strawberries and whooping cream and a strawberry sauce and then cute little individual strawberries cut in the shapes of roses with some delicious home canned grape juice.
My bouquet of roses cut from strawberries.

Kaylees.. sideways (sorry)

Then of course the boys needed a picture taken of them :)

I was so excited to make a nice dinner for Dave and the kidos with the house all decorated and candles and the whole bit.... Well, it didnt work out that way. I am such a good wife, let me tell ya!!.. We had been looking for tread mills for the past while and that afternoon I found one on KSL so I my plans for the day were shot when I headed up to Salt Lake to pick it up. Dave beat me home, no dinner ready, the house a wreck from trying to get things ready before the mad dash to get it. The kids made cute heart shaped pizzas, but I didnt get any pictures and I barely had Daves done in time for him to shove a few bites in before heading to young mens. I was helping the kids so we didnt even sit down to eat together. See, what a good wife I am. Ditch my hubbys nice Valentines dinner to go spend his money to buy me a treadmill. WOW, I know!! And the poor guy is stuck with me for eternity! Honestly, I dont know how I lucked out with him. He is the hardest working man I have ever seen or heard of. Full time school and work and still takes such good care of us and manages his time so well that the kids dont even notice he is doing schooling. Love him to pieces!! Thanks hunny for all you do and I really did mean well for Valentines (if the thought counts!) Love you! And as far as the other 4 valentines of my life, love them to pieces to. They make me so happy and I love being their mom!
Kaylees.. sideways (sorry)
Then of course the boys needed a picture taken of them :)
I was so excited to make a nice dinner for Dave and the kidos with the house all decorated and candles and the whole bit.... Well, it didnt work out that way. I am such a good wife, let me tell ya!!.. We had been looking for tread mills for the past while and that afternoon I found one on KSL so I my plans for the day were shot when I headed up to Salt Lake to pick it up. Dave beat me home, no dinner ready, the house a wreck from trying to get things ready before the mad dash to get it. The kids made cute heart shaped pizzas, but I didnt get any pictures and I barely had Daves done in time for him to shove a few bites in before heading to young mens. I was helping the kids so we didnt even sit down to eat together. See, what a good wife I am. Ditch my hubbys nice Valentines dinner to go spend his money to buy me a treadmill. WOW, I know!! And the poor guy is stuck with me for eternity! Honestly, I dont know how I lucked out with him. He is the hardest working man I have ever seen or heard of. Full time school and work and still takes such good care of us and manages his time so well that the kids dont even notice he is doing schooling. Love him to pieces!! Thanks hunny for all you do and I really did mean well for Valentines (if the thought counts!) Love you! And as far as the other 4 valentines of my life, love them to pieces to. They make me so happy and I love being their mom!
You take good care of your little family, which is all a good husband could ask for. How talented you are. Amazing heart hair. How do you have the patience and know-how to do that? I'm glad David was smart enough to ask you to marry him. You complement each other so well. I love you all.