Thanks to the great advice from Daves Best Friend, Dan and his wife Deej, Dave decided in addition to his degree that he will have when hes done with school, it would be a good idea to do some volunteer work to get some experience and try to get his foot in the door for a job in a related field. So we as a family decided to adopt the Camp Floyd State Park in Fairfield. It basically requires us to do 4 service projects a year. Our first project was to clean the old school house and get it ready for the summer of visitors. It was in dire need of a good cleaning- We spent most of Saturday shining her up! Daves awesome and scrubbed every window of the place- inside and out. The kids had a blast sweeping, and especially cleaning the individual chalk boards and getting the desks all ready. We were there for a long time and they did super good to help and to entertain themselves.
Kaylee with her crazy face sitting at the desks. They loved these cool desks.

Caden sweeping away- work gloves and all.

What a dork- Love this kid. Any time the camera comes out he does the biggest Cheeser face ever. But, he liked the desks too.

Aspen cleaning the chalk boards that went in the desks.

Caden all ready to learn!
Briggs sweeping- with his big grin again.

They also loved to climb under the tunnels of the desks. They would have races through the rows.

Briggs making his way through.

Aspen chilling on the front porch eating her lunch.

Love this picture of Caden eating his lunch. With his flood overalls he looks like a kid that went to school in the era of the old school. Hes too cute.

Caden climbing through the tunnel

The girls were great helpers with the boys! Kaylee giving Briggs a piggy back ride.

Caden hard at work, scraping gum off the floor with Briggs supervising. You can kinda see Briggs face all scratched up. He fell on the stairs and scraped his head all up on the sidewalk. Poor kid.

Aspen the gimp making her way through the tunnel.

This is what happens when Kaylee goes one way and Briggs starts from the other. They get into a head butting war. Briggs won.

The whole fam in the shiny school. Notice the shine of the windows. Dave worked hard on those.

The kidos out front

All of us out front

The kidos after their long day of work, ready to head home. A pretty good looking crew I'd have to say!!