Our Christmas eve was pretty layed back this year which was really nice. During the day, Daves best long time friend, Dan and his wife Deej came to visit. We haven't seen them for a long time and it was great to see them! It was so nice to relax and visit with them. It was a super nice day, be were able to go outside and hang out. The girls wanted to so uncle dan and aunt deej their pony Twix. Deej used to show minis and had some really nice ones, so they were excited to show them. I kick myself that I didnt get any pictures!
That night we had dinner and made Santa some cookies, then read a Christmas story and then Kaylee told us the Nativity story and showed us the pictures. Then tucked the kidos in bed and kissed them all good night!
That night we had dinner and made Santa some cookies, then read a Christmas story and then Kaylee told us the Nativity story and showed us the pictures. Then tucked the kidos in bed and kissed them all good night!

Listening to Kaylees story

Kaylees note to Santa

The rest of it. It says: To Santa from Kaylee Thank you for bringing us toys Evry year. I (heart) U Santa! you are the best! I Love you so so so much.

Aspens picture. Shes so funny, she only draws when she wants to and she obviously wasn't in the mood and just scribbled something with a heart. Actually I think the heart was from her and the scribbles on the other side is Cadens Thank you note.

They got the stalkings all layed out ready for them to be filled. Complete with one for Sage and one for Twix.

Santas notes, Cookies and milk.

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