On Saturday, Daves birthday, it was a really nice day so I turned the chickens out after I fed them. Caden and Briggs made their way outback and were playing and chasing the chickens. My niece Kandice was over and I had just finished telling her how chickens were such good babysitters and how the kids love playing with them. Just after that Briggs started screaming so we went running out there, Kandice first. We followed the scream to the chicken coupe and found Briggs pinned under the nesting boxes. he decided to try to climb up them and they tipped over on top of him. The poor thing! It landed right on his face. They are nasty too. Filled with straw and dirt and chicken crap, that had all dumped out on top of him. He couldn't breath because his mouth was full of this crap. His eyes couldn't open, his nose was filled with it, his ears. Everything. It was nasty. His nose and face was bleeding and he was hysterical. I got the stuff cleaned out of the eyes and mouth so he could see and breath and got him calmed down then bathed him so we could see what we were dealing with. His poor nose and around his eye was all red and purple and swollen and bleeding, he had some little bruises on his chest. I was worried he broke his nose or/and eye socket, but after he calmed down it didn't bother him. He would rub his eye and nose and not cry, so I think it was fine. I thought the next day he would have two black eyes, but he actually looked a lot better. I cant believe how tough these little kids are and how quickly they heal. I am so glad he is ok and back to his happy cute self. We will be securing down the nesting box soon. I don't know why we didn't think of that before! The little monkey!
These pictures actually dont give it justice because you cant see the swelling very good. The poor kid!