Everything special that Kaylee has or that she doesn't want anyone to touch or mess up she puts in her bed. I have put pictures of her bed on here! It gets to be quite a bit of stuff after a while then we need to go through it and clean it out, but she actually keeps it really organized and knows exactly where things are and where they should be. If one thing is misplaced or even moved a little she knows about it and is not happy about it. Some kids think it is fun to go up there when she is at school and mess with her stuff. Whether its Caden or cousins who come over. Aspen knows not to go up there and mess with her stuff. A few days ago the normal "mom, who got up in my bed? This book is supposed to be here, but its over on this side" type thing happened, and I didn't think much about it as we have this conversation a lot. Then when we went to tuck her in at night she had made this sign and taped it on the top of the ladder to her bunk bed. it reads: "Please do not go in my bed and i mean it??" We had to laugh. And so far it has worked I think.
She also has a drawer she keeps some stuff so she made a sign for that too and taped it shut
"Please do not get in my spelshel droor and I mean it??"
She also has a drawer she keeps some stuff so she made a sign for that too and taped it shut
"Please do not get in my spelshel droor and I mean it??"

This is out of order, but I could say this is why I hardly ever get all the dishes done and the sink clean and I mean it??? This little monkey climbs up the stools and onto the counter, walks across the counter and plops into the sink and turns on the water. I lift him down and he takes off running around the counter and does it all over again! I cant keep him off the table or the counter. I turned the stools upside down so he couldn't climb up them, then all the kids climbed in them and pretended they were locked in them and would get stuck and tip over, and that was more of a hassle.

Her bed sign. I love the question marks!!
She is very particular about her stuff, but that can be good too. She takes very good care of the stuff she has, and she is ever starting to rub off on Aspen and she is starting to take care of her stuff. Cute girls!
That's a good trait to have Kaylee. Keep it up. I hope Briggs is not going to be another Caden :) But then again, look how special Caden is becoming.