Thursday, December 22, 2011

9 Years and going strong!!

Last week Dave and I celebrated our 9 yr wedding anniversary! How great the last 9 years have been! I am seriously so lucky to be married to this guy!! My parents were so nice and booked us a room at their time share in Midway for Tuesday night (the 13th). So we headed that way as soon as Dave got home from work. My parents took the kids for the night so we could enjoy some time alone. We spent the night in Midway, watching movies and relaxing. I went to bed pretty early, but Dave got sucked into the hallmark channel and when one movie would finish, before he could turn it off the next one had him captured, so he stayed up until 2 am watching them. Then we lounged around and watched more movies in the morning then decided to get on with the day. We did some shopping then we went ice skating. It was a blast. Its been so long since either of us had ice skated. When we first got there, one other person was there, then he left and we had the whole place to ourselves. We tried to get tricky, which usually ended up with me gliding across the ice on my belly, but we had so much fun! After that we headed down the canyon and did more shopping. Then we went to the temple and did some sealings. It was great! The Sealer was so nice and "looked away" so we could kiss across the alter again! Made me think about how much I was in love with my sweet hubby that day, 9 years ago and its nothing compared to the love I have for him now. I love him to pieces!!! After the sealing we went and had dinner in the cafeteria in the temple, then decided we better save my parents from the kiddos. We are so lucky to have parents who will take our kids and our kids had a blast!! The boys got to help grandpa on the farm watering and taking care of the cows while the girls were at school. They didn't want to come home! THANKS MOM AND DAD!!!

Me and Dave ice skating. Really the only picture I took of us :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Finding just the right tree

Since Christmas is almost here, we figured we better go get us a tree - So last weekend we went out searching for just the right one. I was a little weird to be cutting down a Christmas tree in jackets, but nice too. We had a lot of fun. The kids were troopers and did really good hiking around and going up the canyon. There were a lot of bushes and plants they had to weave through to get around and they did awesome. Towards the end Caden was tired and wanted to get carried but he did good for a long time.

Dad cutting down the tree - but it was loud so the kids wanted to cover their ears.

Looking for just the right one

That one looks pretty good!

The kids hiking in the little bit of snow there was.

My poor hubby- hes amazing! he just threw Caden up on his shoulders on the way down the mtn. Then grabbed the tree in one arm and the chain saw in the other! Hes awesome!

Having our little picnic in the back of the truck

After we got the tree we went to a cool little place that had hills and stuff the kids liked to climb on and slide down the snow

It was also a great place to do some shooting. Dave brought the guns just in case there was a chance to shoot and the kids were super glad he did. They had a blast shooting.
Caden is pretty proud of his sisters cute pink gun. He didnt care what color it was, he was just glad to be shooting something.

More cutting the tree.

Kaylee shooting her gun. She was learning to aim it and did really good shooting at what she was aiming for.

The kids all lined up while dad had his turn shooting the cute pink gun. :)

Then we broke out the big little gun. Dave little .22 We let the kids shoot it a few times then me and Dave had a turn. We love to shoot this gun.

Aspen having her turn.

Aspen with the BB gun.
We had a fun day, and hopefully the kids had a fun day.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Encounter #1 with Santa this year

Last weekend we had our ward Christmas party. The kids were so excited when the Jolly ol feller showed up. They waited in the long line to be able to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Caden was the funniest. He doesn't stand in one place very well, but for this he did. He was so excited he would do anything- even hold still! It was finally our turn and the girls were nice enough to let him go first. As soon as I gave him the "ok" he ran up and jumped on Santas lap and just cuddled right up on him. He gave him the biggest cuddling hug ever and wouldn't even look up to talk to Santa. Santa was cute and just laughed and hugged him back and just rocked him for a minute then Caden jumped off with the biggest grin ever that he got to hug Santa!

Then it was Kaylees turn. She told Santa she wanted an art set.

Then Aspen. She said she wants silly putty. Santa had to laugh and tell her he could probably come up with that! It's so funny- I dont even know where she got that idea, but that is all she has asked for since we started talking about Christmas a month or so ago.

Then Briggs. He was just chill, staring at this odd guy who was talking to him, but he didn't mind him and didn't cry which surprised me.

Caden with his cute little friend Corby waiting patiently in line for Santa. Too cute!

So all in all, I'd have to say encounter # 1 was a success!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Please, ...And I mean it!!!

Everything special that Kaylee has or that she doesn't want anyone to touch or mess up she puts in her bed. I have put pictures of her bed on here! It gets to be quite a bit of stuff after a while then we need to go through it and clean it out, but she actually keeps it really organized and knows exactly where things are and where they should be. If one thing is misplaced or even moved a little she knows about it and is not happy about it. Some kids think it is fun to go up there when she is at school and mess with her stuff. Whether its Caden or cousins who come over. Aspen knows not to go up there and mess with her stuff. A few days ago the normal "mom, who got up in my bed? This book is supposed to be here, but its over on this side" type thing happened, and I didn't think much about it as we have this conversation a lot. Then when we went to tuck her in at night she had made this sign and taped it on the top of the ladder to her bunk bed. it reads: "Please do not go in my bed and i mean it??" We had to laugh. And so far it has worked I think.
She also has a drawer she keeps some stuff so she made a sign for that too and taped it shut

"Please do not get in my spelshel droor and I mean it??"

This is out of order, but I could say this is why I hardly ever get all the dishes done and the sink clean and I mean it??? This little monkey climbs up the stools and onto the counter, walks across the counter and plops into the sink and turns on the water. I lift him down and he takes off running around the counter and does it all over again! I cant keep him off the table or the counter. I turned the stools upside down so he couldn't climb up them, then all the kids climbed in them and pretended they were locked in them and would get stuck and tip over, and that was more of a hassle.

Her bed sign. I love the question marks!!
She is very particular about her stuff, but that can be good too. She takes very good care of the stuff she has, and she is ever starting to rub off on Aspen and she is starting to take care of her stuff. Cute girls!

Playing in the leaves

We raked had some yard work to do on Saturday and the kids had a blast playing in the leaves! They liked me to pile them up, then throw them in and bury them and then tell the other kids " Help, I lost one of the kids and they would laugh and go find them by un burying them. They had a ball and they were good helpers cleaning them up too. Seriously love these kids...!!

All 4 hooligans!

The girls




The pictures aren't very good because I just had my phone, but its all I got! Hopefully it will strike a memory. Aspen is the student of the week this week so I got to go read to her class yesterday. When I was done I was looking at the kids work hanging in the halls and Kaylees class had written on a leaf shaped paper what they liked about fall. Kaylees said because we get to play in the leaves and take pictures. Hope they had fun!