We had a great weekend a few weeks ago with General Conference. We usually go camping for the weekend, but this year we decided to just stay home and get some stuff done. Saturday we spent a lot of the day harvesting our honey. Then for the afternoon Amelia and her family came over. It was great having them over and letting the kids play and to see them again.
Dave made this sweet honey extractor out of some scrap material hes had laying around. He is a genius!! I should have gotten a better picture of it!! It was our first time doing this so, we didn't know exactly what we were doing but Id say it went pretty darn good for what we had. We will definitely do some things different next year, but we learned a lot.
Here I am "uncapping" the frame of honey
Dave made this sweet honey extractor out of some scrap material hes had laying around. He is a genius!! I should have gotten a better picture of it!! It was our first time doing this so, we didn't know exactly what we were doing but Id say it went pretty darn good for what we had. We will definitely do some things different next year, but we learned a lot.
Here I am "uncapping" the frame of honey

Picture of the un capped honey. We were just scraping it off, but as you can see that was kinda messy so then we got a little smarter and heated up some bit knifes in boiling water then we could just slice it off. Andy helped us with that, but I didn't think of getting any pictures of him helping us. DARN!!

This is how we spun it at first with this super old hand drill, but that only lasted a little bit then we went for the electric drill. :)

Our grand total of 80 lbs of honey. We were pretty dang excited. We were hoping for a little more, but this will do.

This is Saturday afternoon with the Hatchs. The kids had a blast of course. We got the pony out to play with and ride (but not Nick :) and they jumped and I don't know where all the strawberries went?!? They would come get a package at a time then hide under the trampoline to eat them.

The kids were bumbed we didn't go camping so we told them we could sleep out back in the tent. Well, then it was late and dark and getting cold and maybe getting ready to rain and Dave was gone to the priesthood session of Conference so we compromised and I put up the tent in the front room for the kids to sleep in. They loved it and so did I! I could sleep in my own bed and not be worried about them. It was a great compromise for all!

The kidos playing Bingo during conf. They all did really good listening and paying attention. We had little treat jars with words on them and every time they heard that word they could get a treat or snack from that jar. They had a lot of fun with it.

What a great conference. I cant wait to get the ensign and re read them all, its hard to catch a lot of it with the kids. I love just being able to sit next to Dave and listening to the apostles and words of counsel from our great leaders! I love to be able to just relax and spend time with family!!
That was a great weekend and the honey was yummy.