Kaylee keeps and cherishes EVERYTHING she gets or makes. Then the only safe place where I wont throw it away or where her siblings wont get it is to store it up on her bed. Where she is up on the top bunk, I rarely ever look up there. I knew she had a lot of stuff up there and Dave and I would often laugh about it. Then one day she started sleeping upside down in her bed. I asked her why and she said she ran out of room the other way! So I drug a chair to climb up on to inspect her bunk bed and WOW!!! Her bed was full. She had everything from books to stuffed animals, coloring stuff, lots of blankets, a homemade bow and arrows, then little baggies full of lots of different little treasures. Unbelievable!
She literally couldn't stretch her legs out all the way or roll over.
Needless to say that Saturday we had a serious de-junking of her bed and dresser. It took several hours to finish. I even had to resort to distracting her so she wouldn't look and I could help dispose of some of the items. She is such a sweetheart. When we were all done she sprawled out on her bed and said"look, I have room" with a big smile. This isn't always a bad thing- she takes such good care of everything she gets and never loses anything. Actually she has to remind me of where things are all the time.
She is just like her dad!!!
I'd say it just happens to run in the family hahaha!