Here are some of the things we've been up to..
Aspen, Cody (their cousin) and Kaylee I guess got annoying or something at family dinner at my parents so the older kids decided to bury them. They really were stuck for good.

Here's the kids loaded in the back of the truck headed to the wheat field.
Kaylee trying to pull out a big rye.
Aspen found some
There was one part in the field that is really tall that Aspen could get lost in.

Briggs enjoyed himself too.
The wheat was so a good size for Caden- it would smack him in the face so my dad is awesome and let him go bale the hay with him. Caden I'm sure was in heaven riding in a tractor with Grandpa.
This was on Mothers day we went into Daves moms to do some yard work and Briggs liked helping me weed her flower beds. I just love this picture and had to post it.

We had my Grandma Smith's 80th Birthday back in May so we had a big family dinner at the hunting club and then we all went and shot clay pigeons. Here is some of my family lined up to play a game of annie. We all love to shoot - there is quite the crowd of shooters when you get us all together.

This is Caden trying to pop popcorn while I'm busy and feeding Briggs- He is such an independent little thing! the only problem here is he used honey instead of oil. It made for a sticky mess. I am just glad he didn't plug it in or it would have been a lot worse!
And it waisted a lot of my honey!!

We came home late on night and the kids fell asleep in the car so we woke them up and told them to head up to bed. We came inside to see they only made it as far as the stairs!

We had a super fun rain storm here last week so all the kids just couldn't resist playing in it! the older kids went and played in the mud.

Briggs loves to help me out weeding the garden. He crawled right out of his pants somewhere in the garden.
Briggs enjoyed himself too.
This was on Mothers day we went into Daves moms to do some yard work and Briggs liked helping me weed her flower beds. I just love this picture and had to post it.

We had my Grandma Smith's 80th Birthday back in May so we had a big family dinner at the hunting club and then we all went and shot clay pigeons. Here is some of my family lined up to play a game of annie. We all love to shoot - there is quite the crowd of shooters when you get us all together.

This is Caden trying to pop popcorn while I'm busy and feeding Briggs- He is such an independent little thing! the only problem here is he used honey instead of oil. It made for a sticky mess. I am just glad he didn't plug it in or it would have been a lot worse!

We came home late on night and the kids fell asleep in the car so we woke them up and told them to head up to bed. We came inside to see they only made it as far as the stairs!

We had a super fun rain storm here last week so all the kids just couldn't resist playing in it! the older kids went and played in the mud.

Briggs loves to help me out weeding the garden. He crawled right out of his pants somewhere in the garden.