So last weekend we did our annual "Easter camping" as the kids call it. Kaylee was extra excited since her birthday fell on Easter this year and that is all she wanted was to go camping and have a giant smore for her cake. The weather wasn't the best, but it wasn't horrible. We didn't wake up to snow again like last year or like a few weeks ago when we went camping. Here are lots of pictures from the weekend. Prepare yourselves... its a long one (mostly for my scrap booking reasons)
This was the night we got there, Briggs all tucked into his princess chair.
The next morning my mom and sister wanted to give Kaylee her Birthday present. Shes so funny... We told her to come sit down so we could sing to her but she made us all wait while she went to get her birthday crown she got from school. Anytime we even mentioned her birthday she had to go put it on.

She got some riding gear to wear while riding her motorcycle. She was super excited! Shes showing them off.

All of the excitement was just way too much for little Briggs..

Ready to try them out.. She went out riding for a while then came back and told me that she had crashed but it didn't even hurt because her new gear had protected her. It actually gave her a lot more confidence in her riding which I say is bad.. she was already crazy enough for me, but I'm sure her dad was cheering her on!

Caden roasting a marshmallow

Pretty Aspen

Caden did a LOT of this. All we had to do was to dig him up some soft dirt so he could shovel and load his dump truck or tractors up.

And Briggs did a lot of this. And crawling around playing with anything he could find. He was such a good happy boy out camping.

We finally talked the kids into taking a little brake from riding their motorcycles to come and color some Easter eggs.

On Saturday all of the smith family came out. My grandma and grandpa and my aunts and uncles. They came and had lunch then did a big egg hunt for the kids. It was so fun seeing them all and continuing the same traditions I grew up with!

Kaylee did a LOT of this. The kids built a jump and they would just go in circles. over the jump, circle around and do it again. Who ever wasn't on the bikes was standing right next to the jump cheering on everyone that went over the jump. They seriously did this for hours and hours a couple of times a day. She got pretty darn good at it.
She got some riding gear to wear while riding her motorcycle. She was super excited! Shes showing them off.
All of the excitement was just way too much for little Briggs..
Ready to try them out.. She went out riding for a while then came back and told me that she had crashed but it didn't even hurt because her new gear had protected her. It actually gave her a lot more confidence in her riding which I say is bad.. she was already crazy enough for me, but I'm sure her dad was cheering her on!
Caden roasting a marshmallow
Pretty Aspen
Caden did a LOT of this. All we had to do was to dig him up some soft dirt so he could shovel and load his dump truck or tractors up.
And Briggs did a lot of this. And crawling around playing with anything he could find. He was such a good happy boy out camping.
We finally talked the kids into taking a little brake from riding their motorcycles to come and color some Easter eggs.
On Saturday all of the smith family came out. My grandma and grandpa and my aunts and uncles. They came and had lunch then did a big egg hunt for the kids. It was so fun seeing them all and continuing the same traditions I grew up with!
Kaylee did a LOT of this. The kids built a jump and they would just go in circles. over the jump, circle around and do it again. Who ever wasn't on the bikes was standing right next to the jump cheering on everyone that went over the jump. They seriously did this for hours and hours a couple of times a day. She got pretty darn good at it.
Aspen was a brave little soul and scared the crap out of her mom, but made her dad proud. She tries so hard to keep up with all the older kids and did everything they did, including jumping her motorcycle. She had a few hard wrecks over the weekend, but was so tough and never wanted to stop riding. She loved it. And we love her to pieces.

Briggs chillin with his grandpa. Looks like hes pretty happy!

Saturday night we had an egg hunt with just our immediate family. My parents and their kids and grand kids.
Briggs chillin with his grandpa. Looks like hes pretty happy!
Saturday night we had an egg hunt with just our immediate family. My parents and their kids and grand kids.
Aspen looking for eggs

Caden finding some

Kaylee found the grand egg for our family! My awesome mom put a live chick in and egg for them to open. They were surprised and excited. They went to live at uncle "kools" until they get a little bigger. The one we got will lay colorful eggs. The kids cant wait to bring her home.

The kids holding their baby chicks

Caden blowing bubbles he got as a prize from the hunt.
Caden finding some
Kaylee found the grand egg for our family! My awesome mom put a live chick in and egg for them to open. They were surprised and excited. They went to live at uncle "kools" until they get a little bigger. The one we got will lay colorful eggs. The kids cant wait to bring her home.
The kids holding their baby chicks
Caden blowing bubbles he got as a prize from the hunt.
Saturday night we had Kaylee's main B-day party. We sang happy birthday while she roasted her big honkin marshmallow for her "smore cake" It was a little rough trying to get it in her mouth. I cant believe our girl is 7 now! Time FLIES!! Dave and I were talking yesterday saying from the time I got pregnant to now, we are half way to her being 16 and driving, dating and all that crazy stuff. We love this girl so much. Although she is 7, she shows the responsibility of someone much older. She is our little helper. She changes diapers, she cooks breakfast, she packs her dad lunch. She does her homework and chores everyday without even being asked. She is the best big sister. For example today: Dave was gone to meetings, I was just getting out of the shower when I heard Kaylee talking so sweet to Caden "ok, buddy we almost got it, just a little more" I peek out of the shower to see that she had changed caden out of his pjs, changed his diaper, got him in his church clothes, including his tie and was wetting down his hair and putting gel in it. This is just one example, she does these kinds of things all the time without ever being asked. She is always paying attention and noticing what she can do to help other people. We Love her so much and are so glad she takes such good care of all of us!!

Aspen with hers

Briggs with his

And Kaylee with her stuff. Notice the crown.. This was her official birthday so she had to wear it. :)

Cadens new favorite thing to do.

On Easter my poor hubby was super sick. He watched the kids open their baskets, then when we were getting ready to eat breakfast he was done for. He went up and crashed on our bed in the camper for the entire day. The poor guy. Luckily this was the best day temperature wise so we just played out side all day. In the afternoon we went on a ride to a little track on the way to manning canyon and Kaylee was crazy. She did have one pretty good crash. A little ways away there was some pretty big, steep hills that my sister Alexa went up, well, Kaylee followed her over there. I said, no way will Kaylee go up there, well she did. She made it up great the first time, and back down, then she wanted to try it again. She made it about half way and her motorcycle wouldn't go anymore. She was in too high of a gear. So her and her motorcycle took an goo head over heels tumble down the hill I jumped on the wheeler to asses the damage. She worst of it was on the top of her foot where something had hit her, so I said lets ride back to camp in the truck and let someone ride her bike back. OH NO! she wiped her tears and refused to ride in the truck. She wanted to ride her motorcycle back.
Even though we weren't home the Easter bunny still was able to find us. That morning the kids woke up pretty early (actually we all got woke up to Caden being a little stinker and trying to shove Aspen off the bed.) But they all got over it quickly when they noticed we had a visitor during the night.
Caden with his basket
Aspen with hers
Briggs with his
And Kaylee with her stuff. Notice the crown.. This was her official birthday so she had to wear it. :)
Cadens new favorite thing to do.
On Easter my poor hubby was super sick. He watched the kids open their baskets, then when we were getting ready to eat breakfast he was done for. He went up and crashed on our bed in the camper for the entire day. The poor guy. Luckily this was the best day temperature wise so we just played out side all day. In the afternoon we went on a ride to a little track on the way to manning canyon and Kaylee was crazy. She did have one pretty good crash. A little ways away there was some pretty big, steep hills that my sister Alexa went up, well, Kaylee followed her over there. I said, no way will Kaylee go up there, well she did. She made it up great the first time, and back down, then she wanted to try it again. She made it about half way and her motorcycle wouldn't go anymore. She was in too high of a gear. So her and her motorcycle took an goo head over heels tumble down the hill I jumped on the wheeler to asses the damage. She worst of it was on the top of her foot where something had hit her, so I said lets ride back to camp in the truck and let someone ride her bike back. OH NO! she wiped her tears and refused to ride in the truck. She wanted to ride her motorcycle back.
This is her coming up a steep little dip, and jumping it off the top. She would come just flying over it jumping and from where I was standing I could hear her just laughing!
I love your Easter tradition -- I had no idea you did the egg hunt outside!! (that's sooooo cool. Your kiddos are going to have awesome memories) I can't believe how big Briggs looks in some of those pictures. I love your family - thanks for letting some uncool, unadverturous boring folk be your friends...we aren't worthy.