This Year for Halloween, Kaylee wanted to be a witch, Aspen of course wanted to be a pricess (Belle) and Caden, he didnt want to dress up, but we put him in a bear costume for a few minutes. We started out on Friday, the day before halloween with the costume parade at kaylees school. It was fun to see all the kids in school in their costumes. Then Saturday morning Dave went to help at the hunting club. Every Halloween they have the ghost and goblin hunt where they plant all the birds for the hunters- which ended up being about 350 birds then also plant a white (ghost) pheasant and a Black (goblin) pheasant. Who ever shoots one of them gets a new shot gun. So, Dave went at 4:30 am with the boys to help "plant" all the pheasants. Then we went over and had lunch and hung out. After the main hunt was over, we went out hunting some of the left over birds. It was fun. The kids had a blast with the birds. Even Aspen loved them, and usually she will have nothing to do with them. After the hunting club, we got the kidos ready and went to trunk or treat then I took the girls to just a few of the houses in the neighborhood to trick or treat, then we called it a night. The girls had just as much fun opening the door to trick or treaters at our house. We had a fun day.

Kaylee being her witch

Princess Bell Aspen

The two of them

As you can tell, Caden is thrilled to be dressed up. :)

This is what happens when the girls get ahold of dad :)
(He is going to kill me for posting this)

Caden with uncle Greggy!!
We are so happy he is home from his mision!! The kids just cant get enough of him. The poor kid :)

The girls off to get their birds ready to eat.
(Dont mind their crazy hair. They had dressed up for halloween the day before and they were going to again in a few hours, so I didnt bother doing it. I know... I'm a horrible mother!)


They are proud of them!!
Andrea your kids are so cute. Those pictures of them with their birds were priceless. It reminded me of some photos that jenn and i took when we were antelope hunting one fall when we were covered in facepaint. But your kids are adorable. Becki