My dads cows are in the middle of calfing so yesterday morning we decided to ride around with my dad to check them. It was cold with a super cold wind and we came upon this little calf who had been born within the hour or so and it was all covered in mud and literally freezing to death. Its dang "teenage mom" heifer my dad called it wasnt taking care of it. So we loaded it up in the truck and took it to the office under a heat lamp and the heater. We wiped off all the frozen mud and tried to get it dried off. The poor thing was just shivering! Its tail was frozen stiff and one of its ears. Caden loved it!! He jumped right in and helped grandpa rub it and clean it off. Aspen said "mom, I'm scared!" she said she was scared it was going to jump up and get her, but I think she was scared it was going to die. It took a while for her to see that it was going to be ok then she liked petting it and helping clean it off. After a few hrs we gave it a botttle and got it up. It was doing much better and we tried to take it back to its mom. It had quite the ride on a calf carrier on the back of the truck, but its mom wasnt interested so we had to pen them up in a little pen together, hoping the mom would take care of it. Aspen named it "Sunshine" and we had to check on it last night before we went to bed then after some heart felt prayers from her last night, she was ready to go check on it first thing this morning. Sunshine is doing good. Aspen was so happy!!
My dad is sure a good sport toting me and all my crazy kids around, but they sure had a fun day. Way better that just sitting around listening to their mom nag them!!

Caden helping grandpa

Aspen cleaning it off. This is about as close as she would get. Barely in arms reach.