Sorry for so many catch up posts lately, but I am trying to get all my posts from 2010 done for my scrapbook since this is the only form of scrapbooking I do. When I was looking thru my pictures from last year there were a few more I wanted for my records, so here they are...
Dave started school again and as you can tell it really intrests him! He is going for a bachelors in Environmental Studies. Its all on line thru Ashford University. He is about 1/2 way thru his second class and is doing super good. Our schedule now is come home from work, eat dinner,spend a little time with the kids, put them to bed around 7, then on the computer doing homework until 11-12 every night-except fridays were trying to leave open for date night. In this picture I came downstairs and he was supposed to be reading but fell asleep with his finger on the down button.

I love this picture. Caden doesnt hold still for very long but here we casted his pole and then he just sat there and watched, waiting for the fish to bite on to his hook :)
One of Briggs first big smiles

Dave helping the girls make flour balloons.

Dave went on a hike with the young men and came upon this baby deer.

Halloween Briggs wasnt too happy for the picture!!
Kaylee the purple unicorn, Aspen the sweet little witch, Caden the handy man, and briggs a little bear

Dave taking his motorcycle off a little jump with Aspen. Dont worry I got after him for this.. had to remind him to not jump the bike when you have kids on with you. I thought some things didnt have to be said... I guess not!!! jk.. he is safe and we love him to pieces!

How Briggs loves his dad!! All the kids adore their dad!

Especially when hes making salsa! :-)

Evening rides during the summer in the sunset. Doesnt get much better!

Kaylee and Caden in the jeep pulling Aspen down the road with a rope tied to the wagon.

We love to relax and have fun outdoors. I hope the kids will grow up appreciating and loving the outdoors.

This was a daily sight in the summer. Caden would go out and scope out all the raspberry and strawberry plants looking for any fruit. He would eat them just as they were starting to turn red so the rest of us didnt get very much. He would try to reach the fruit on the tree and he would pick him carrots and tomatoes out of the garden.

Yep.. That is the duct tape fashion that Caden has forced us to use on him. After cleaning up so so so many nasty messes we had no choice but to tape his diapers on! He has since learned to weasel out of the tape, but it worked for quite some time. This kid can pretty much figure anything out that he puts his mind to.

I love that Dave has the patience to let the kids help him with things! Caden is especially a great helper working on the wheeler.

Hopefully all the working and manly stuff with dad will ware on him more than the time with mom... He will make a great dad one day!! :-)
(thad is a doll by the way.)

Sorry again for the long post, but I can say I think I am caught up now and I can start and hopefully stay caught up in 2011