Some of the older neices and nephews went out hunting and got quite a few birds.. They were super nice and let Aspen And Kaylee help clean them..Heres Aspen cleaning one.. She actually did pretty good considering she would only hold the bird with 2 fingers. :) but she loved it and was determined to do it herself.

Kaylee on the other hand.. She just digs right in. I was surprised she even put gloves on. She probably just saw her older cousins doing it and decided to copy them.

It takes serious concentration!

The whole crew with their prizes.
(minus a few of the younger cousins who already left for the day)

I've actually been thinking a lot about how blessed me and my family are and that I am truly gratefull for so much!! We have so much! I'm gratefull for my family- my kids, my hubby, our good health, a warm house, the friendship of my family, and daves family, the suport from so many, running water, vehicles that get me where I need to go, food on our table, laughter, employment for my husband, being able to stay home with my kids, kaylees willingness to always help and be so responsible, aspens big heart and the ways she expresses her love and feelings- always making us laugh, Cadens crazy personality and his determination-when he is sweet it just melts your heart, Briggs smile- It just lights up his whole face and could make anybodys day better after seeing it, My mom and dad (the poor things- They have to live right across the street- so they get a lot of us) They do so much for us, Daves mom and all the love and support she gives us, I am so gratefull for my husband who takes such good care of us!! He always puts our needs first and never thinks about himself, I'm grateful that he is a worthy priesthood leader and that it is an active part in our lives and last of all I am grateful for my savior for his attoning sacrifice and the love that he shares for me and the role he plays in my life and for his gospel! Well, those are a few of the things I feel so grateful for!!
(Maybe before easter I will finish the rest of my holiday posts.- I'm a little slow.. obviously)