We had a fun 4th of July weekend. We started with a wheeler ride up 4 mile canyon by Cedar Fort. Daves been wanting to check that canyon out forever. So we left in the morning and packed a lunch planning on being gone most of the day. Well, poor dave is stuck with a wife who is "large with child" (as dave would call me) and the trail was SUPER bumpy and rocky. I was trying to be a good sport, but my 8 mo pregnant belly just couldnt take any more. So after a while me and the girls pulled over and took a break, relaxed and had our lunch while caden and dave went on further to explore.
After we got back from our ride in the early afternoon we headed down to Krista and Koles for a water party and bbq.
On Monday morning we headed up to Deere Creek to do some fishing. We got there a little late for the fishing I think because we didnt catch anything but it was fun. We got my mom and little sister Alexa to come with us. Alexa was good to chase my kids and play in the water with them.
Caden eating it! Alexa tried to catch him, but didnt quite make it :)
Alexa and Kaylee wading in the water.
On the way home we went to Highland Glen park for a picnic and dave was determined to catch a fish...... the kids had a blast feeding the ducks and fishing
Feeding the ducks
There were lots of little fish swimming around and eating the leftover bread the ducks didnt eat so the kids decided to put bread on a little hook and drop it right below them in the water and they would just watch as the bread was devoured then when it was all gone they would pull up the hook and there would usually be a little fish on like this. They caught around 7 I think. They thought it was pretty cool :)
On the way home we went to Highland Glen park for a picnic and dave was determined to catch a fish...... the kids had a blast feeding the ducks and fishing
There were lots of little fish swimming around and eating the leftover bread the ducks didnt eat so the kids decided to put bread on a little hook and drop it right below them in the water and they would just watch as the bread was devoured then when it was all gone they would pull up the hook and there would usually be a little fish on like this. They caught around 7 I think. They thought it was pretty cool :)