Today I woke up feeling a little tired.. but happy. Then the day even got better when Kaylee reminded me it was crazy hair day. Awesome.. I didnt need to even brush her hair. I just put a few crazy bows in her hair and called it good. Then proceded to go get breakfast going. In the middle of the huslte of getting her ready to head out my little sweety Caden comes walking up saying "eweeee." So I glanced down and he had somehow taken his one piece jamies off and decided to change his own poopy diaper. Well he got one side of teh diaper undone but just jerked off the other side, therefore flinging poo all over- him, the floor, and anything else around. AWESOME!! Ok, keep my cool. Get it all cleaned up (put Caden in levis because I know he cant get those off by himself to take his diaper off) get Kaylee off to school. Went for a little walk which was nice. Went back to my moms for a bit. Caden and Aspen want to go outside so I say ok.. just stay in the back fence. They did but somewhere Caden found a can of gas and decided to dump it all over him. Made her whole downstairs smell like gas. Bring him home, get cleaned up, new levis on. Not 5 mins later Im changing laundry and he starts crying in the kitchen so I go check on him. He was standing in the fridge with the entire big dish of soup leftovers spilled over his head, all down the front of him, all over every shelf in the fridge - including the door and all over the floor, and under the frindge. AWESOME!! So I wipe it from his eyes and face, take his clothes off and start cleaning the mess (which was BIG). I was almost done when he came saying "ewweee" So I look and sure enough.. He had taken his diaper off and crapped all over the kitchen floor- while walking of course! It was everywhere! AWESOME!! so I flip and grab him to go put him in the bath.. but he wasnt done, therefore leaving a trail all the way to the tub. AWESOME!! So, he is in the tub, Im sure making a mess with the water.... and to think its only 11 AM!! And to think we have another one one the way..?? What to do with this boy???? If only he wasnt so stinkin cute.....