My Little brother Cameron (Aka Stick) who is a freshman in high school- only 15 yrs old went to a roping today in South Jordan. He roped against people of all ages and pretty much cleaned house!! :) He won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, I think 2 go arounds, and was the high point roper. A grand total of a new saddle, a buckle, a coat and $7,200 in CASH!!!! But, dont worry, my 12 yr old nephew Dylin gave him a run for his money. Dylin was really close to winning it, but unfortunately missed his last cow-man, he can rope, especially for his age :(... anyway, What the heck, I've never seen that kind of money. So, I ask, what do you plan to do with the money? he didnt even hesitate.. "An M1000" ( a new snowmobile). Man, how would it be? Good Job Stick!!