Saturday, February 27, 2010

Way to go Stick!!

My Little brother Cameron (Aka Stick) who is a freshman in high school- only 15 yrs old went to a roping today in South Jordan. He roped against people of all ages and pretty much cleaned house!! :) He won 1st, 2nd, 3rd, I think 2 go arounds, and was the high point roper. A grand total of a new saddle, a buckle, a coat and $7,200 in CASH!!!! But, dont worry, my 12 yr old nephew Dylin gave him a run for his money. Dylin was really close to winning it, but unfortunately missed his last cow-man, he can rope, especially for his age :(... anyway, What the heck, I've never seen that kind of money. So, I ask, what do you plan to do with the money? he didnt even hesitate.. "An M1000" ( a new snowmobile). Man, how would it be? Good Job Stick!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter time FUN

Im starting to be ready for spring.. I love the warmth and the kids being able to play outside.. and especially watching the things weve planted come back to live to grow delicious fruit for us. We planted grape vines and raspberries last year that I'm excited for when they start showing life again. But.... We have so much fun in the winter playing in the snow, sledding, snowmobiling.. ok mostly snowmobiling. We went out quit a bit this year and had a blast. Every Tuesday we go snowmobiling at night up west canyon (up kinda behind Cedar Fort) and weve had a blast. Its nice, we go with my sister Krista and her husband and whoever else we can talk into going and so their daughter Kandice watches our kids and they LOVE it! almost every day they ask if were going so kandice can watch them. We get back late so she has them all in bed and everything for us. Its crazy how different it is when you dont have 2 kids on there with you. Did you know your supposed to lean when your turning.. especially in the powder? I never did that with the kids :)
Can you say CHEESE?!?!
We took the kids out riding and sledding in a field by our house and krista, kole, and their kids came. They pulled each other behind the snowmobiles, we had a fire and roasted hot dogs and smores, and just hung out and played all day.

Dave with Brother!! He loves his dad (and his new sled :)

I Cant tell if Kaylee is screaming or laughing?

And the Crash :)... notice uncle Koles smile :)

Aspen warming up after the crash.

The whole crew.

They love to ride in the sled behind the snowmobiles.

What a nice sister... pulling Aspen back up. I wouldnt even do that... I made them walk back up :)

This is how much Caden likes sledding... and how comfy the new sled thing Dave made them to ride in.

This is the sweet sled/trailer thing Dave built the kids to ride behind the snowmobiles... Its AWESOME!! they love it most of the time. As you can tell its not all the way done. Just the frame work. He is going to enclose it and put seats in it and a windshield. Its so great to have such a capable husband who finds all the scrap metal for free and just decided to build something and can whoop it together in a few days!!! We sure Love him!
Kimball... You will definetly need to build one of these for your kidos so they dont have to sit on your lap when your out riding... Its a lot easier :)

And one last thing, as some of you know I've kinda started getting in to family history. Well a week or so ago, I was looking for some people who needed temple work and just kept following one line (from my Grandpa Smiths line) and following it and following it... I eventually came to Noah (prophet) and I didnt really believe it, so I kept following in thru people I knew I'd heard about in the scriptures... thru Abraham, Issaac and Jacob.. etc all the way to Adam (First man) and Eve (first woman) How crazy huh? I mean, I know we all came from Adam and Eve, but It was crazy seeing my own family history line go all the way back to them!! I know... I'm a dork.

Thats all for now..