We are definetly the luckiest family in the whole world to have Dave be part of it. He really is the best husband and father anyone could ever ask for and we love him to pieces!! Hope you had a GREAT B-day Hunny!! We love you!!
Kaylee---- Notice her arm!! As we were packing, just getting ready to load things in the car, she was running from the front room into the kitchen and tripped on something, slamming her arm on the hard wood floor! She immediately started screaming "My arm, I cant move my arm!" So, off we went to the instacare. Sure enough, she had broke her arm just above the wrist. Not a bad break, just a buckle fracture. So, I thought well, we will just go to the cabin anyway, and I'm sure she wont want to sled anyway.... RIGHT!!! it didnt slow her down for a second. Kids are amazing how they rebound so quick!!
Caden Jamming on his little piano Grandma Snyder gave him. He loves it!
Kaylee with her little Barbie laptop Grandma Smith gave her (As you can tell, she already got into Aspens makeup) :)
Aspen with her little jewelry box filled with makeup and jewelry. If she didnt love that :)
You see, my mom and dad have an indoor dog and the poor thing is just mauled to nearly death everytime we go there. Caden just runs to find it, then lays on it, pulls its hear, sits on it, picks its nose and pokes its eyes, and whatever else he can think of to torture the poor thing. So my mom got him this dog in hopes it would maybe replace her poor ol dog. Well, Caden does love it, especially at home where he doesnt have an indoor dog to maul, but still at grandmas everytime we go, he runs to poor ol Suzy!!
The girls on Christmas morning after opening their presents at home.
We hope you all had a safe and great holiday, and wish you the best for the new year!!!!