Its been a while since I've uptaded the blog...sorry! We have had a lot of fun times. I love the Holidays!! Especially doing fun things as a family and just being with them!
Here are some things we have been up to....
We had our awesome Smith family Christmas party/Grandpa Smith birthday party. Happy Birthday Grandpa!! (its on christmas and he turned 80 this year.) Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!! The kids have so much fun.

This is all Aspen wanted for christmas... a pink baby with wings. All night she just couldnt believe santa really brought her the baby and how nice Santa is!! :)

He still didnt decide if he liked him or not, but he never cried.

Kaylee had her school Christmas sing. She did really good singing and doing the actions! It was so fun to watch.

This is Kindergarten - 3rd grade just getting ready to sing.
Our first good snow storm..

Kaylee on her snowmobile of course. Aspen wasnt as interested in playing in the snow. She was happy to stay inside next to the fire, watching her princess shows! :)

Kaylee and Alexas (my sister) snow men
Visited Temple Square to see all the beautiful lights
Words cant express... Aspen cried most of the way home, she was so bumbed because she wanted to go IN the temple.
I Love it when they all look happy together! :)

I love the statues of Mary, Joseph and Baby jesus in the water with the temple in the back ground. SO PRETTY!
All bundled up to go see the lights at temple square.
Kaylees dance recital

The girls got to dress up as angels for our ward christmas party. They were pretty cute angels!!