So, We decided since its been a really long time since we have done any sort of family pictures, we really needed to get some done. See, this is where me and dave are different... My idea of family pictures consist of getting all dressed up, get the girls hair done and go to a pretty place. I'm not very picky where you go because you really only see whats directly behind you.. and the picture is of the people, not the scenery. Right? Well daves idea is to get the best possible scenery around. So since the leaves were changing, he decided to go up American Fork Canyon to get them. So, ok I thought, a nice little leasure ride would be ok... well, not exactly what I had in mind. We ended up going clear to the top of Mary Ellen Gulch which I swear happens to be the longest BUMPIEST road in the entire canyon!! so, 2hrs later and me almost rolling the wheeler we made it. ( I was really happy, let me tell you. I had the girls with me so every rock we hit which was basically constantly, I had one helmet smacking me in the chin and the other in the middle of my back!! -I know I'm a whiner) I do have to admit, after I calmed down and realized how beautifull it really was up there, we had a really good time!!
Here are some of my favorites..

Beautiful Aspen

Little Innocent Caden!! (right)

Mature little Kaylee

The Whole Fam!!

The girls who rule the house!!

Best of Friends
more family